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remote-work practitioner, however, has   course trainings may not be offered as
              Steps can and                a greater responsibility for ensuring that   in the past, and off-site live classes may
                                           there is adequate time for consulting,
                                                                             not be available nearby. For the remote
               must be taken               preparation, and review. Only by person-  practitioner, it is critically important to
                 to maintain               ally overseeing these critical measures in   track CPE, if necessary, by finding re-
              confidentiality.             tax compliance and consulting can the   mote learning that will provide needed
                                                                             credits in all required CPE categories,
                                           remote-work practitioner deliver the
                                           highest-quality work.             such as taxation, audit, professional
         delivering top-quality tax services and                             development, and ethics.      ■
         meeting clients’ expectations.    Training must go on
           Although today’s remote-work envi-  When most practitioners were in an
         ronments lack the presence of colleagues   office environment, it was fairly ef-  Contributor
         with whom to spontaneously confer and   fortless to be reminded of continuing
         consult, technical resources allow for   professional education requirements   Todd Simmens, Esq., CPA, is national
         the preparation and review of quality   and attend on-site and off-site live   managing partner of tax risk manage-
         work. Most tax returns and workpapers   classes. Once the world went remote,   ment at BDO in Woodbridge, N.J., and
         are prepared with up-to-date software,   in-person trainings came to a halt,   is a member of the AICPA IRS Advo-
         which itself is a check to ensure quality   and remote training became the norm.   cacy & Relations Committee. For more
         work. The availability of online technical   Practitioners must be more diligent   information on this column, contact
         resources and applications is another   in remembering CPE deadlines and
         way practitioners can deliver quality. The   finding suitable classes. On-site live

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