Page 14 - Supplement to Income Tax 2020
P. 14

Estimating Your 2020 Taxes

         profit-sharing SEP or Keogh) is $57,000 (up slightly   increased slightly to $24,800 for married couples filing
         from $56,000 in 2019). The general limitation on the   jointly and surviving spouses, $18,650 for heads of
         annual benefit from a defined benefit pension plan is   households, and $12,400 for singles and married persons
         $230,000 (up from $225,000 in 2019).                  filing separately.The additional standard deduction for
                                                               taxpayers age 65 or older or blind (Your  Income Tax
         Compensation limit (pages 715–718).  The maximum
         amount of compensation that can be taken into         2020, page 347) at the end of 2020 is unchanged at
         account when applying the contribution limits for     $1,650 for single taxpayers and heads of households
         qualified defined contribution and pension plans is   and $1,300 for married persons (whether filing jointly
         $285,000 (up from $280,000 in 2019).                  or separately) and qualifying widows/widowers.
                                                                 For a person who meets the definition of a dependent
         SEP eligibility (page 248).  Employees meeting the    for 2020, the basic standard deduction (Your Income
         age and service requirements must be covered by a     Tax  2020, pages 348–349) is the greater of (1) $1,100
         SEP if they have 2020 compensation exceeding $600     or (2) the dependent’s earned income plus $350 (but
         (no change).                                          no more in total than the basic standard deduction for
         Definition of key employee or highly compensated      the dependent’s filing status).
         employee (page 194).  The earnings threshold for      Rate brackets for net capital gain and qualified
         determining highly compensated employees under the    dividends (pages 112-115).  The bracket breakpoints
         nondiscrimination rules is increased to $130,000 (up   between the 0% and 15% capital gain rates, and
         from $125,000 in 2019). The threshold for treating    between the 15% and 20% capital gain rates, are
         officers as key employees under the top-heavy  plan   increased for 2020. The breakpoint between the 0%
         rules is $185,000 (up from $180,000 in 2019).         rate and the 15% rate is: $80,000 if married filing

         Saver’s credit (page 518–519).  The first $2,000      jointly or a qualifying widow/widower, $53,600 if a
         of eligible contributions (including ABLE account     head of household, or $40,000 if single or married
         contributions) made for 2020 may qualify for a 50%,   filing separately. There is no tax (0% rate applies)
         20%, or 10% retirement savings contribution credit    on 2020 qualified dividends and eligible long-term
         (“saver’s credit”), depending on the taxpayer’s AGI.  capital gains (collectibles gains and unrecaptured
            For married persons filing jointly, the 50% credit   Section 1250 gains are not eligible) if taxable income
         applies if 2020 AGI does not exceed $39,000, the 20%   does not exceed the applicable breakpoint. Even
         credit rate applies if AGI does not exceed $42,500, and   if taxable income exceeds the breakpoint, the 0%
         the 10% credit applies if AGI does not exceed $65,000.  rate rather than the 15% rate might still apply to a
            For a head of household, the 50% credit applies if   portion of the gains/dividends, depending on how
         2020 AGI does not exceed $29,250, the 20% credit      much of the taxable income consists of ordinary
         rate applies if AGI does not exceed $31,875, and the   income and how much is long-term gain plus
         10% credit applies if AGI does not exceed $48,750.    qualified dividends; this will be figured on the IRS
            For single individuals, married persons filing separately,   capital gains rate worksheet.
         and qualifying widows/widowers, the 50% credit applies   The breakpoint between the 15% and 20% rate is
         if 2020 AGI does not exceed $19,500, the 20% credit   $496,600 if married filing jointly or a qualifying widow/
         rate applies if AGI does not exceed $21,250, and the   widower, $469,050 if a head of household, $441,450
         10% credit applies if AGI does not exceed $32,500.    if single, or $248,300 if married filing separately. Even
                                                               if taxable income exceeds the breakpoint, the 20% rate
         Non-Retirement Cost-of-Living Adjustments             does not necessarily apply to the gains/dividends. If

         for 2020                                              ordinary income is only a small part of taxable income,
                                                               the 15% or even the 0% rate may apply to some of the
         Standard deduction amounts (pages 343-346).  The      gains/dividends; this will be figured on the IRS capital
         basic  standard deduction amounts for 2020 have       gains rate worksheet.

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