Page 9 - Supplement to Income Tax 2020
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Recent Tax Developments*

                   distributions out over the beneficiary’s life      •  The 60% AGI limit is waived for cash charitable
                   expectancy as was allowed by prior law (pages        contributions made from January 1, 2018,
                   189, 243 (Law Alert), page 259).                     through February 18, 2020, if the donations
                 •  Allowing penalty-free withdrawals before age        are made for relief efforts in a qualified
                   59½ of up to $5,000 from 401(k) plans for birth      federally declared disaster area. The written
                   or adoption expenses (pages 189, 233).               acknowledgment must specify that the donation
                 •  Treating tax-free difficulty of care payments       is for such relief efforts (pages 372-375).
                   to foster care providers as compensation for
                   purposes of contributing to a retirement plan or   Late-Filing Penalty (page 782).  A taxpayer who fails to
                   IRA. This applies to contributions made after   file the income tax return on time (the original due date,
                   December 20, 2019 (page 214-215).             or the extended due date if a timely extension has been
                 •  Treating taxable stipends and non-tuition    obtained) is subject to a late-filing penalty. The penalty
                   fellowship payments to graduate and           is 0.5% per month of the outstanding balance not to
                   postdoctoral students as compensation for
                   purposes of making IRA contributions (pages   exceed a maximum penalty of 25%. If the return is over
                   214-215).                                     60 days late, the minimum failure-to-file penalty is the
                                                                 smaller of $435 (increased by the new law from $330
            Disaster Relief.  The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster   for returns required to be filed in 2020) or 100% of the
            Tax Relief Act of 2019 made several changes to help   tax required to be shown on the return.
            victims of certain federal disasters. The following apply
            to distributions and loans received before June 17,
            2020, for losses suffered in disasters that began after   IRS Mileage Rates for 2020
            2017 and ended by January 19, 2020, provided the     (pages 356, 415-416, 467-468, 742)
            disaster was declared by February 18, 2020:
                 •  Penalty-free qualified disaster distributions from   You may  be able to  use the IRS’s  standard mileage
                   retirement plans up to $100,000 (pages 211,   rate instead of deducting actual expenses when using
                   259-260).                                     your car for business, medical, moving, or charitable
                 •  Income tax on the distribution is spread over   purposes. For 2020, the standard mileage rates are:
                   three years unless the taxpayer opts to report it   •  For business driving, 57.5 cents per mile (down
                   all at once (pages 211, 259-260).                    from 58 cents).
                 •  Disaster distributions can be repaid to the
                   retirement plan (pages 211, 259-260).              •  For medical expenses, 17 cents per mile (down
                                                                        from 20 cents). The same rate applies to moving
                 •  Hardship distributions taken for a first-time       expenses for certain military personnel; no other
                   home purchase that did not occur because of the      taxpayers can claim a moving expense deduction.
                   disaster can be repaid (pages 211, 259-260).       •  For driving as a charitable volunteer, 14 cents
                 •  The cap on loans for disaster victims is $100,000   per mile (the rate is fixed by statute).
                   (rather than the usual $50,000 limit) and the loan
                   repayment period is extended (pages 191, 211).   If you use a standard mileage rate, keep records of
                 •  For major disasters declared by the President   your mileage as well as records of parking fees and tolls,
                   from January 1, 2018, through February 18,    which may be added to the applicable 57.5, 17, or 14
                   2020, a net qualified disaster loss is subject to   cents-per-mile rate in figuring your deduction for 2020.
                   a $500 floor on Form 4684, rather than the
                   regular $100 floor for losses on personal-use   Standard mileage rate for business vehicles.  Keep
                   property, but the 10% of adjusted gross income   in mind that to use the IRS standard mileage rate
                   floor does not apply (pages 432, 434).        for a business vehicle in lieu of actual expenses (and
                 •  Taxpayers who do not itemize deductions can   depreciation if you own the vehicle), you have to use
                   increase their standard deduction by a net    the IRS allowance in the first year you place the vehicle
                   qualified disaster loss from a major disaster
                   declared in 2018 through February 18, 2020.   in service to use it in later years. For example, if you
                   There is a $500 floor but no AGI threshold for a   bought a truck for your business in 2019, you must
                   net qualified disaster loss (page 345).       decide whether to use the 2019 IRS rate of 58 cents per

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