Page 128 - IRS Plan
P. 128
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
3. Hold the organization accountable for
creating the customer-centric, people-first 2 FY 2023
culture to which it aspires. Select culture Change management practices built
“champions” throughout IRS leadership to steer into all initiatives and project plans and
the organization to an enterprise-wide culture incorporated into measures of success
designed to put customers first, communicate as appropriate
a compelling change story and monitor
measures of culture and leadership. 3 FY 2023
Initial IRS policies revised and
4. Adopt agency-wide customer service communicated to employees regarding
standards to help employees work together risk tolerances and risk appetites for
toward excellent service. Incorporate practices and behaviors that enable and
customer-service standards to become a support cultural change
simpler, real-time, accessible, personalized and
trusted service. Incorporate these standards FY 2023
across the IRS in organizational performance 4 Culture champions appointed to lead
metrics, employee performance goals, decision- ongoing projects throughout the IRS
making processes, business processes, policy to achieve, communicate and monitor
design, governance and other areas. the IRS’s cultural aims as part of the
5. Develop new policies and procedures that Transformation and Strategy Office
allow employees to improve processes to
support empowerment and better ways of FY 2024
working. Evaluate processes and delegations 5 Leadership commitments developed to
of authority, encourage employees to ask incentivize and hold leaders accountable
questions, challenge existing processes, and for their roles in driving cultural change
suggest, test, and enact process changes that
improve the way we work to support our culture FY 2024
of service. 6 Customer service standards created,
implemented and measured IRS-wide
6. Evaluate and communicate appropriate
risk tolerances and risk appetites to support
cultural change. Empowering the workforce 7 FY 2024
to serve customers, make decisions at lower Programs and policies developed
levels and change processes to facilitate better and implemented to support and monitor
ways of working must be enabled by cultural health and the shift toward
appropriate risk tolerances and risk appetites. a culture of service
The IRS will adopt and enhance policies that
tolerate appropriate risks to support culture 8 FY 2024-2027
change. This may mean, for example, Ongoing monitoring of cultural shift
focusing more on consistency of outcome
rather than consistency of process, or shifting
from minimizing agency risk to minimizing Key dependencies
taxpayer risk.
5.8 depends on projects in initiatives:
Milestones 1.1-1.3, 1.11, 1.12, 4.6, 4.7, 5.2, 5.5
Initiatives dependent on projects in 5.8:
FY 2023 1.9, 3.1-3.7, 5.3, 5.7
1 Cultural baseline assessment completed
and focused interventions planned
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 121
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives