Page 123 - IRS Plan
P. 123

Initiative  5.6  Elevate workforce planning strategy

          The IRS will leverage workforce planning best practices to forecast and meet hiring demand more
          effectively to avoid disruption and satisfy business needs

          Where we are heading                                  Key projects

          Given historical budget and staffing constraints,     1. Upgrade the strategic workforce-planning
          the IRS has not had enough staff to meet                 function. Increase the purview, stature and
          taxpayers’ service needs or its enforcement goals.       scale of the workforce-planning function with
          As the IRS grows its workforce to realize                new tools and capabilities.
          the vision the IRA makes possible, increasing         2. Collect and analyze full data on hiring
          and aligning talent to needs will be critical in         demand. Collect unlimited demand data, rather
          fulfilling the business strategy. Developing a           than capacity-limited requests, in partnership
          strategic workforce planning approach that brings        with stakeholders and use it to inform strategic
          aboard the talent needed will be an important step       workforce planning and identify creative staffing
          in how we meet the future talent needs of the IRS        models.
          while improving the taxpayer experience. We will
          meet the challenges of growing our workforce          3. Use workforce planning to prioritize
          with a comprehensive, data-driven approach to            bringing on the talent needed to deliver
          planning that aligns and evolves with business           the IRA transformation. Collaboratively
          needs. We will forge partnerships between the            identify the key roles that will have the largest
          human capital function and the internal customers        impact and return on investment for delivering
          it serves, including finance and program functions,      the IRA transformation and the IRS’s mission.
          using increasingly holistic analytics capabilities       Prioritize the placement and training
          to forecast trends and workforce needs. These            of top talent in these roles.
          trends and needs will include hiring demand,          4. Continuously assess our geographic
          attrition, new skills, office location strategy,         footprint. Reevaluate where our people should
          workforce culture, program efficacy, predictors          be located to best serve taxpayer needs and
          of employee success, external labor trends, and          reach a more diverse set of talent pipelines
          more. Translating these insights into action is a        on an ongoing basis.
          critical enabler of the IRA’s goals and can improve
          business decisions and human capital planning.        5. Unify legacy personnel systems into
                                                                   a single modular platform. Combine over 100
                                                                   legacy systems into one platform to streamline
          What success would look like                             the management of employee data. Enable
                                                                   and use more advanced workforce analytics
          Success for this initiative would include the            and provide a more consistent employee
          use of talent analytics to improve human capital         experience through technology.
          operations and outcomes at all stages of the          6. Strengthen strategic partnership between
          employee lifecycle. Robust forecasting will              the Human Capital Office (HCO), business
          facilitate more predictable and prioritized hiring,      units (BUs) and the Office of EDI. Create
          predictable attrition rates, and a prioritized,          business-partner roles to link BUs and HCO
          demand-based annual hiring plan. Putting                 and EDI leadership to better position HCO
          analytics to use beyond forecasting will yield a         and EDI to align, integrate and inform business
          range of human capital enhancements, including           strategy.
          attrition reduction and higher performance among
          new hires.

     116  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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