Page 119 - IRS Plan
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Initiative  5.4  Help employees grow and develop

          The IRS will deliver growth and learning opportunities by developing attractive career pathways
          for all employees, integrating training and skill-building, and better equipping managers to lead
          high-performing teams

          Where we are heading                                  What success would look like

          This Plan envisions an IRS that prefers digital       Success for this initiative would include a marked
          to manual processes and compliance efforts that       increase in participation in and satisfaction with
          focus on complex tax issues. Reaching these           training, rotational, and learning programs. The
          goals will require new skills in problem-solving,     number of offerings and how often we update them
          customer service and technology, along with           would likewise increase. As new career paths
          specialized tax knowledge. Employees want             open, we would retain more people in high-priority,
          to learn and advance in their careers—one             high-turnover populations. Improving managerial
          of the top five reasons people joined the IRS         jobs would boost the number of applications for
          in each of the last five years, in line with a desire   manager roles and increase satisfaction rates
          among government employees for more learning          among managers. Employee proficiency in core
          opportunities. Managers must accomplish               knowledge and skills—including basic data
          more with limited resources and other constraints,    analysis, problem-solving, cultural competency,
          creating ripple effects among employees, many of      leadership, and the fundamentals of tax
          whom say they get too little on-the-job mentorship    administration—would rise, allowing employees to
          and have little interest in taking on management      take end-to-end ownership of issue resolution.
          roles.                                                Because mentorship is a significant part of the
                                                                learning process, we would expect all employees
          We will offer employees more ownership                in leadership roles to participate in a mentorship
          of their career development with best-in-class        program, and mentorship scores should rise in
          development and modern training, straightforward      FEVS and other employee surveys.
          and more flexible career paths, and cross-
          functional rotational programs. We will adapt         Key projects
          our training methodology, provide employees with
          dedicated training time, and upgrade the quality of   1. Create pathways for growth and
          technical and foundational skills training. We           development for every IRS employee.
          will broaden our career paths to include traditional     Create straightforward career paths for all roles,
          upward growth, lateral transitions between               establish formal rotation programs to encourage
          functions, internal job rotations, external detail       hands-on skill-building and career exploration,
          and internship programs, temporary assignments           and reinstitute a Career Resource Center as
          and post-retirement career tracks. We will               a hub for professional development resources.
          emphasize developing managers’ leadership skills         Focus on creating career pathways for groups
          and cultural competency to ensure that fulfilling        who are underrepresented in leadership to
          growth opportunities are available, and to equip         create a diverse pipeline of current and future
          managers to be the inspiring, skilled and positive       leaders.
          leaders we rely upon.
                                                                2. Support management with coaching
          These investments will improve our value                 and career and talent advice. Launch
          proposition to new talent and the overall employee       management coaching and offer advice
          experience by making the IRS a great place               related to careers and talent via a consolidated,
          to grow.                                                 in-house program and/or a third party. Inform
                                                                   managers about development opportunities,

     112  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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