Page 120 - IRS Plan
P. 120
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
build employee confidence in management 8. Refresh and promote our framework
and improve communication of career for leadership competency. Establish a
development priorities. leadership model to evaluate employees and
build a common understanding of what it means
3. Update the value proposition of managerial to be a leader at the IRS. Identify and develop
roles. Redesign managerial roles to provide
compelling growth opportunities for the skills needed for inspiring, strategic team
top performers. Deliver a better experience
for supervisors at all levels by assessing 9. Reinstitute basic competency training
compensation, training, coaching, resourcing, in foundational skills. Deploy and refresh
independence and flexibility. Identify core-competency training for all employees,
managerial roles that have high turnover or including research and writing skills, basic
are hard to fill and develop plans to support analysis and logic capabilities, critical thinking
them better. and problem-solving abilities, customer service,
cultural competency and leadership skills.
4. Scale the IRS University enterprise-wide Implement competency assessments for these
as a standard-bearer for training excellence.
Build an accessible and multi-modal set of best- foundational skills to evaluate and continually
refresh this foundational training.
practice training programs that emphasize
core competencies—such as analytical
thinking, managing in hybrid and remote Milestones
environments, and customer service—while
preparing employees with the skills to succeed FY 2023
in the digital environment of the future. 1 IRS-wide leadership, mentorship,
5. Build a culture of mentorship and and coaching programs established
apprenticeship that celebrates skills
development and knowledge-sharing. 2 FY 2024
Update mentorship and apprenticeship Capabilities of the centralized learning
programs—such as peer-to-peer coaching— platform enhanced
and dedicate time for people to invest in
these critical, people-oriented activities. FY 2024
3 IRS University launched enterprise-wide
6. Give employees more inclusive
opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive FY 2024
at the IRS. Grant employees opportunities 4
to reach their full potential through career Core competency models and career
planning, performance management and new paths for all employees developed
learning opportunities. Expand opportunities for
cross-functional development to make 5 FY 2024
it easier to change roles throughout the IRS. Leadership competency framework
Monitor workforce diversity at all levels of launched and implemented across
leadership to help build an IRS that looks like the IRS
the communities we serve and to promote
equitable treatment of all employees.
Key dependencies
7. Establish a flexible, case-based training
model. Develop a case-based training model
flexible enough to meet individual employees’ 5.4 depends on projects in initiatives:
needs that encourages a shift to ongoing, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
collaborative learning. Initiatives dependent on projects in 5.4:
2.4, 3.2-3.7, 5.2, 5.5
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 113
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives