Page 125 - IRS Plan
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Initiative  5.7  Improve organizational structures and governance

          The IRS will implement new organizational structures and distributed and transparent decision
          processes to support more collaborative, effective, and efficient tax administration

          Where we are heading                                  Key projects

          Processes, organizational structures and              1. Assess the existing organizational structure
          incentives are essential in reforming a culture.         and develop a plan for optimization. Create
          Now, with the resourcing and mandate of the IRA,         a baseline of today’s organizational challenges
          the IRS can shift to an organizational structure         and identify opportunities to improve. Develop
          and governance model that supports a culture             recommendations to share with IRS leadership
          of accountability, people-first mentality, innovation,   and create a transformation plan as
          and collaboration. We will rely on performance           appropriate. The new organizational structure
          and culture diagnostics to identify where new            will reflect an inclusive culture of accountability,
          governance, structures or ways of working are            collaboration, flexibility and performance.
          necessary, and enable these tenets with               2. Assess existing governance and develop
          leadership support and systems.
                                                                   a plan for optimization. Set a baseline for
                                                                   today’s governance challenges and identify
          Benefitting from new structures will require
          significant shifts in mindsets. Everyone at the IRS      opportunities for improvement. Develop
          will need to put the mission and taxpayer needs          recommendations to share with IRS leadership,
          first, which can happen only if resources are            as well as a transformation plan as applicable.
          available to support these priorities and             3. Clarify and redistribute decision rights
          performance metrics are adjusted accordingly.            to empower employees; streamline
                                                                   governance. Develop a decision-making
          The benefits of such a restructuring are clear.          model for setting priorities and allocating
          Excess hierarchies in an organization hinder             resources. This model will enable transparent,
          cross-functional knowledge-sharing, slow                 confident decision-making at the appropriate
          decisions and reduce flexibility. A transformation       organizational level, encourage continuous
          of the magnitude we envision will be possible            learning and allow employees to seize
          only if we all work toward the same goals                opportunities for efficiency.
          in a one-agency approach.
                                                                4. Embed equity, diversity, inclusion, and
                                                                   accessibility into the organization through
          What success would look like                             an ecosystem of partners. Taking this step
                                                                   will help the IRS create a workplace that better
                                                                   reflects the communities we serve throughout
          Success for this initiative would include a more
          unified, simpler structure that enables employees        the country.
          to serve taxpayers and tax professionals better
          and to provide them with an improved experience.      Milestones
          Taxpayers will benefit from improvements in IRS
          internal operations, especially when they need                 FY 2023
          to address complicated issues that require                1    Initial formal process and roles
          coordination across IRS teams.                                 and responsibilities for decision-making
                                                                         established and implemented IRS-wide

     118  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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