Page 149 - IRS Plan
P. 149

Ø Monitoring shortfalls limit the IRS’s ability
             to address the gap between taxes owed              The IRS has been forced to operate
             and collected. The tax gap is currently            with limited resources, limiting
             estimated to be approximately $496 billion         its ability to operate effectively
             and is expected to increase without significant
             investment. 25  In addition to the tax gap as
             currently measured, there is likely outstanding    Ø The IRS’s foundational technology
             tax revenue attributable to higher-risk               is outdated and limited in its ability to
             segments. The IRS has historically lacked the         deliver. Underfunding of the IRS over the last
             resources to address noncompliance in these           decade has made us unable to introduce
             segments. Because of limited compliance               contemporary technology tools and applications
             coverage in areas such as complex partnership         that would allow us to better serve taxpayers
             structures and certain international tax issues,      and enhance their experience. The funding
             the IRS has fewer data points to accurately           available had to be prioritized to address more
             estimate the true size of the tax gap in these        immediate and urgent projects rather than to
             segments.                                             enable the transformation that the IRS wanted,
                                                                   and taxpayers deserved.
          Ø Global tax authorities are using innovative
             ways to focus enforcement on high-priority         Ø These complex legacy systems pose
             segments. Post-filing, tax administrators in          challenges to modern technology enablement.
             G-20 countries are increasingly introducing           Currently, many of these challenges stem from
             tailored treatments to address noncompliance,         running the IRS with extremely complex legacy
             including, for example, predictive analytics          technology that is difficult to update, maintain
             to better understand which issues are likely          and operate. Modern technologies that the IRS
             to self-correct versus those that will likely         will develop and implement in coming years will
             require a more direct treatment to get                address challenges with digital tax filing and
             resolved. 26

     142  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part V: Context and Background
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