Page 150 - IRS Plan
P. 150
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
Ø information, self-service changes and employee Ø The IRS has put into place organizational
enablement. These changes will impact every structures to promote and enhance the
interaction a taxpayer has with the IRS. IRS application of data and analytics solutions that
employees and taxpayers currently use over will improve IRS operations and mission
600 applications to conduct the business of the effectiveness, but these efforts are not fully
IRS, many of which are custom-built and run integrated into all IRS work. Efforts to date
on-premises in IRS data centers. The include standing up the Data and Analytics
integrations among these applications—when Strategic Integration Board (DASIB) and the
they exist—usually use custom, single-use code IRS Data Analytics Advisory Group (DAAG)
to share data only between two applications, to prioritize and govern data and analytics
also known as point-to-point integrations. strategy and activities. Further, the IRS has
Because many of these applications were established a Chief Data and Analytics Officer
developed in different computing eras over the role to oversee data, analytics and advanced
past 20 or so years, they rely upon a specific technology capabilities across the enterprise.
infrastructure configuration and complex Ø Global tax administrations use data
development and deployment processes, which and analytics to improve the taxpayer
increase cost, risk and staff training time.
experience, compliance and operations
Ø The core pipeline of incoming tax returns is to generate value and reduce burdens on
designed to manage paper forms coming into taxpayers and the economy. For example,
regional service centers. Moving forward, the Canada’s tax authority directly administers
IRS will not only replace information systems CA$24 billion in child benefit payments
that use legacy programming languages but will to 3.3 million eligible families upon receiving
also change the underlying logic and birth/custody data from hospitals, birth
processing to post transactions to a database— registration centers and taxpayers. 27 Australia’s
like any modern application—rather than using tax authority uses advanced analytics to
the sequential file process that happens today. improve compliance to compare business
These changes will enable self-service expenses to similar taxpayers; upon detecting
capabilities that will foster transparency for an anomaly, taxpayers are prompted to self-
taxpayers (e.g., the ability to update accounts correct. In 2020, 340,000 taxpayers (7.5%
and track refund status). of online filers) were prompted to review their
returns, resulting in pre-filing changes with
Ø The IRS is not using data as effectively as
it can to inform its operations. The pace of an estimated annual revenue impact of A$37
data generation continues to accelerate. million. 28
Effective use of data and analytics can produce
tremendous value for organizations and
customers. The IRS captures data through
taxpayer filings and many types of third-party
information returns, as well as the full range
of operational interactions with taxpayers.
As greater numbers of returns/forms are filed
digitally, we can more fully capture relevant
data elements, while scanning and digitalization
provide new opportunities to capture data from
paper interactions (including forms and other
correspondence). Additionally, we can do more
to identify appropriate external data sources
that may add value by improving the taxpayer
experience and informing compliance
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 143
Part V: Context and Background