Page 18 - IRS Plan
P. 18
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
The IRS that emerges from this Ø We will devote a larger share of employees
Plan will deliver a best-in-class to taxpayer-facing roles as demand for
experience for taxpayers. U.S. manually processed paper returns and
tax administration of the future correspondence decreases and systems are
will look different in many ways:
Ø We will recruit, train, and retain a workforce
with the skills and capabilities we need—people
Ø Data-driven decision-making will be the core who put customer service first and are able to
of our approach to fundamentally shift how we use our new technologies to work effectively.
manage operations and deliver services to
taxpayers. Ø We will improve the employee experience
and empower the workforce to drive better
Ø Taxpayers and tax professionals will be able taxpayer experiences, with clearer career
to interact with us in the ways they prefer, pathways that will improve retention and
including expanded digital, phone, and in- support career growth and opportunity.
person assistance options.
Ø We will ensure the privacy and security
Ø Taxpayers will have easy, secure access to of taxpayer data in all that we do.
their data, as well as the tools to help them use
it, to help them meet their tax obligations. In addition to the transformation funding for the
IRS, the IRA also includes technical tax provisions
Ø We will help taxpayers both meet their tax
obligations and receive the credits and designed to incentivize energy security and clean
deductions for which they are eligible. energy investment in the United States. We are
actively working to implement these provisions.
Ø Electronic filing and communication options While most of this Plan focuses on our overall
will be simpler and will make it easier to interact transformation, we will also describe how these
with the IRS. broader efforts will equip us to better deliver the
energy security and clean energy provisions that
Ø We will offer notifications and proactive help
for taxpayers and tax professionals to find and Congress provided in the IRA.
correct mistakes earlier.
Ø We will resolve filing issues with clear notices IRA Transformation Outcomes.
and the fastest, simplest possible solution for
the taxpayer. As we move toward the future state described
Ø We will use enhanced data and analytics above, powered by the IRA investment and the
to assist in the selection of compliance cases initiatives outlined in this plan, we will measure the
based on the highest risk of noncompliance. overall progress of the transformation according to
the following transformation outcomes. In addition
Ø We will increase capacity and expertise to these outcomes, we will monitor progress in
for enforcement to better address high-dollar several other indicators of success defined in Part
noncompliance among complex filers. II of this Plan. We will define detailed performance
Ø We will retire outdated legacy IT systems metrics for initiatives during implementation.
and invest in new technology to improve
customer experience, to provide data-driven • World-class service experience: Improved
enforcement, and to carry out skill-building on customer satisfaction metrics
technology and data across the IRS workforce, • Digital-first organization: Digital options for
so employees are able to use real-time data all taxpayer interactions with the IRS, alongside
and analytics to drive their work and improve the continued option for taxpayers to interact
productivity. in their preferred mode, such as phone or in
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 11
Part I: Executive Summary