Page 49 - IRS Plan
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Initiative 1.11 Build status-tracking tools for taxpayers
Taxpayers will be able to use new status-tracking tools to see real-time status updates, next steps,
and estimated time to process documents and resolve issues
Where we are heading 2. Build access to status-tracking information
within Online Account and Business
The IRS will provide taxpayers with access to Online Account for business and individual
personalized, real-time status updates on returns, taxpayers. Allow taxpayers to find all their
refunds, and other IRS processes and decisions. personalized status-tracking information
These tools will help taxpayers identify the causes in one spot.
of delays or issues, get answers via self-service, 3. Provide status information regardless
and understand what to expect and what actions of service channel chosen. Ensure that
they need to take, if any. self-service online tools provide the same
details via the phone and other channels
We will update existing online status tools and by allowing IRS employees to see what the
build capabilities into online accounts to enable taxpayer sees online.
this personalized status tracking. We will improve
status categories and messaging to clarify next 4. Allow tax professionals to view status
steps, integrate data and analytics to provide information for their clients. Give taxpayers
real-time personalized information and estimates, the ability to authorize tax professionals to track
connect information across systems, and ensure status for them through the online Tax Pro
employees have access to all the relevant Account platform.
information for consistency across service 5. Give taxpayers the option to receive
channels. notifications when their refunds, returns,
or payment status changes. Provide status
notifications to help taxpayers trust that they
What success would look like have the most up-to-date information without
constantly checking online tools.
Success for this initiative would include more
accurate projections for process and decision
timeframes. Customer satisfaction with IRS status- Milestones
tracking tools would increase, including improved
satisfaction with accuracy, ease of use, and value FY 2023
of information provided. We would receive fewer 1 Current refund and amended return
calls related to tracking the status of tax returns, status-tracking tools refined in Online
refunds, audits, and other IRS processes. Accounts to provide more transparent
messaging for taxpayers that explains
Key projects processing status, errors and issues,
and next steps
1. Provide real-time status updates on
taxpayer refund and return processing, FY 2024
audits, and other service interactions. 2 Improved taxpayer status-tracking tools
Create status-tracking tools that show more in online accounts for filing season 2024
details about processes, incorporate data
and analytics into messaging about estimated FY 2025
processing times, and provide clear instructions 3 New status tracking enhancements
for next steps when appropriate. implemented in Business Online Accounts
42 IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives