Page 54 - IRS Plan
P. 54

Part III
                                                                                Part I  Part II  Obj 1  Obj 2  Obj 3  Obj 4  Obj 5  Part IV Part V

          How faster resolution of issues will further the energy security and clean
          energy provisions of the IRA for consumers, small businesses, communities,
          and industries

          • We will flag issues with claimed credits at the time of filing so that taxpayers can correct them,
             if necessary, and promptly get the credits for which they are eligible.

          • Clear and transparent notices will promptly notify taxpayers claiming energy security and clean energy
             tax incentives when issues arise and will provide information for the simplest pathways to resolution.

          Strategic shifts

          From                                                   To

          Taxpayers do not have tools to easily identify         We will offer notifications and proactive help
          potential mistakes and correct them before filing.     for taxpayers to find and correct mistakes earlier.

          Taxpayers learn of issues via paper notices that       Electronic filing and communication options
          can be difficult to understand and can be resolved     will be simpler and will make it easier to interact
          only via inconvenient, paper-based processes.          with the IRS.
          Simple filing mistakes and larger inaccuracies         We will resolve filing issues with clear notices
          may require lengthy issue resolution processes.        and the fastest, simplest possible solutions
                                                                 for taxpayers.

          Initiatives included in this objective

                    Identify issues during filing: The IRS                Expand tax certainty and issue
             2.1    will send taxpayers notifications about        2.4    resolution programs: Taxpayers will
                    potential issues as they file returns                 be able to resolve potential compliance
                    to help them correct errors and claim                 issues up front through expanded
                    credits and deductions                                pre-filing and tax certainty programs

                    Deliver early and appropriate                         Offer proactive debt resolution:
             2.2    treatments for issues: The IRS                 2.5    The IRS will proactively offer taxpayers
                    will provide taxpayers with timely                    appropriate options for past-due
                    and tailored post-filing treatments to                payment resolution
                    resolve issues and omissions on their
                    tax returns
                                                                          Expand engagement with non-filers:
                                                                   2.6    The IRS will provide early, tailored
                    Develop taxpayer-centric notices:                     outreach to taxpayers who do not file
             2.3    The IRS will send taxpayers notices they              on time
                    can understand, delivered in ways they
                    prefer, with clear explanations
                    of issues and steps to resolution                     Use improved data and analytics
                                                                   2.7    to tailor timely collections contacts:
                                                                          The IRS will provide early, tailored
                                                                          contacts to all taxpayers with past-due
                                                                          balances, and will only escalate to more
                                                                          intensive treatments when appropriate

                                                                                         IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan   47
                                                                                          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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