Page 57 - IRS Plan
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Initiative  2.2  Deliver early and appropriate treatments for issues

          The IRS will provide taxpayers with timely and tailored post-filing treatments to resolve issues
          and omissions on their tax returns

          Where we are heading                                  Key projects

          Most taxpayers want to be compliant. When             1. Develop treatments tailored to taxpayers
          issues are identified after filing, the IRS must         based on our assessment of the relevant
          help the taxpayer to become compliant as quickly         issues. Based on a taxpayer’s unique
          and simply as possible. We will address issues           circumstances and issue-specific level of risk,
          identified after filing that require IRS intervention    use advanced analytics to identify the most
          promptly and in ways tailored to the specific            appropriate treatment to address potential
          circumstances of the taxpayer, such as a soft            noncompliance. Tailored treatments will
          notice to encourage self-correction instead of an        help the taxpayer to establish and maintain
          audit, modes of delivery such as an electronic           compliance and minimize the burdens on
          notice rather than an in-person visit, and pathways      that taxpayer. IRS treatments will be easy
          toward increased review. Notification could start        to understand and use multiple modes of
          with a soft notice, for example, and move to an          communication, including texts and email.
          audit if no action is taken or the issue remains      2. Develop tailored treatments to help
          unresolved. This approach will give taxpayers who        taxpayers claim missed incentives for which
          want to comply with simpler ways to correct issues       they are eligible. Take a comprehensive
          identified after filing and help to prevent              approach to detecting and helping taxpayers
          unnecessary audits. For issues unresolved by this        claim any incentives for which they are eligible.
          process, the IRS will move to audits. We will also       Establish tailored approaches addressing
          streamline procedures so that issues can be              unique constraints and employ various methods
          resolved more quickly, with less burden on the           of delivery. By applying advanced analytics,
          taxpayer, when the taxpayer is being audited or          identify situational trends and appropriate
          affected by any other compliance contact.
                                                                   treatments to alert taxpayers to credits and
                                                                   deductions they may qualify for but did not
                                                                   claim on their return.
          What success would look like
                                                                3. Increase focused outreach in underserved
          Success for this initiative would include helping        communities. Engage with taxpayers,
          taxpayers resolve compliance issues more quickly,        including small business taxpayers, in
          a higher incidence of correcting or self-correcting      underserved rural and urban communities
          issues using less intrusive treatments when              to deliver education and technical tools
          appropriate, a reduction in repeat noncompliance,        that directly address issues or opportunities
          and a higher incidence of taxpayers paying what          identified on filed returns. Use communications
          they owe. Earlier contacts as appropriate will also      specific to the demographic to help them
          improve the effectiveness of overall IRS                 understand.
          compliance actions by focusing enforcement            4. Refine current treatments to make them
          efforts on high-priority issues and cases with           more efficient and effective. Use enhanced
          significant evidence of noncompliance.                   data, analytics and digital tools to improve
                                                                   efficiency and resolve cases sooner. Identify
                                                                   opportunities to minimize taxpayer burden by
                                                                   improving enterprise-wide planning and
                                                                   coordination. Ensure communications are easy

      50  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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