Page 93 - IRS Plan
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Initiative 4.1 Transform core account data and processing
The IRS will modernize the systems used to access and process taxpayer data
Where we are heading Key projects
The IRS maintains most taxpayer data in systems 1. Update the programming language in legacy
designed to perform specific functions that are not master files. Rewrite legacy systems
interconnected or updated in real time. Much in modern development language.
of the IRS’s foundational technology architecture 2. Replace legacy databases. Retire outdated
was developed many years ago—some as far databases including Individual Master File
back as the 1960s—and now maintains account (IMF) and Business Master File (BMF). Replace
data for 200 million taxpayers. It serves as the legacy databases with a modern, flexible
foundation for processing individual tax returns. system that will be more timely, accurate and
However, system limitations prevent taxpayers and complete for both taxpayers and employees.
IRS employees who provide customer service
from gaining a 360-degree view of the latest 3. Standardize data processing systems.
information about a taxpayer’s interactions Retire legacy data processing systems,
with the IRS across workstreams and functions. including information return processing
A modern data architecture and system are critical systems. Standardize data processing
to enabling all other initiatives. systems so that they can validate, clean and
process taxpayer transactions in near-real time.
Modernizing technology architecture will help 4. Implement a standard case management
the IRS improve operations and provide new platform. Consolidate disparate case
tools throughout the taxpayer and customer- management systems onto one standard
services experience. A common platform for platform. This upgrade will make managing the
managing taxpayer interactions will also improve foundational technology more efficient and help
the consistency of the taxpayer experience while employees to help taxpayers resolve issues.
helping IRS employees assist and resolve issues
for taxpayers more efficiently. A common platform 5. Deliver the capabilities needed to enable the
for case management will standardize both the initiative. Support significant technology
technology and the business processes used procurement, testing and development as
to address taxpayer-related cases across all required by this initiative.
What success would look like FY 2023
1 Modernized Information Returns intake
Success for this initiative would include a lower
volume of programming code in outdated platform deployed to provide a free online
languages as we transform the code to current portal for businesses to file Form 1099-
languages. A consolidated enterprise platform series information returns
would mitigate the need to build custom
applications for specific functions. More data would 2 FY 2024
be available for taxpayers, analytics, and system- Information Returns platform enhanced
to-system integrations. Data and online to support digital asset reporting
engagement options would improve taxpayers’ and
employees’ experiences.
86 IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives