Page 97 - IRS Plan
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Initiative 4.3 Improve technology operations
The IRS will enhance core technology processes and platforms to support the delivery
of expanded capabilities for taxpayers and employees
Where we are heading 4. Enhance IT service delivery. Enhance the
management and delivery of IT services such
The success of many of these IRA initiatives as helpdesk, inventory management asset
depends on updated data and digital and technical management, and incident management services.
components. The technological tools and
capabilities that enable services, compliance, Milestones
and functions of the IRS are constrained today
by IT platform limitations. FY 2023
1 Initial operating capabilities for multiple
We will build flexible platforms that support all cloud environments delivered to enable
these new tools and capabilities. A new service opportunities to design, develop, test and
management approach, for example, will require deliver applications and services at scale
a modern standard platform, data infrastructure
and high-fidelity network. Addressing the core FY 2023
capabilities and performance of the IT function 2 Cloud-based robotic process automation
will help us deliver the resilient, dependable (RPA) platform developed to automate
services that taxpayers deserve. high-volume, manual processes
and onboard an initial use case, with
additional use cases to follow in outyears
What success would look like
FY 2024
Success for this initiative would include the 3 Data platform with advanced analytics
creation of modern, flexible technology processes tools delivered for use across service,
and platforms that will allow the IRS to serve compliance and operations with easily
taxpayers better with ongoing data security, consumable services
a more productive workforce, faster processing
times with fewer errors, and faster adaptation
to future needs. 4 FY 2024
Network upgraded and expanded
to accommodate the anticipated increase
Key projects in size of the IRS workforce and increased
consumption patterns with our introduction
1. Implement zero-trust authentication security of new digital services for taxpayers
on the IRS network. Prepare the IRS network
to support modernized technology, digital FY 2025
communications and increases in staffing. 5 Incremental improvements made to our
2. Streamline system connections. Streamline API ecosystem such that we can reduce
connections among systems, services, and software delivery timelines and simplify
infrastructures, such as those that process operations and maintenance through
international and business tax balances, easier integration
to decrease delays and enhance reliability.
3. Migrate to cloud architecture. Continue
our migration to modern cloud architecture so
that advanced capabilities may be developed.
90 IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives