Page 23 - Understandinging Forensic Technology Landscape
P. 23

Text analytics and technology-

           assisted review (TAR) tools

           Text analytics and technology-assisted               There are two general approaches to TAR. The original
           review (TAR) in the forensic context                 version is known as predictive coding, a type of AI  that
                                                                used machine learning to predict which documents are
           Text analytics — also referred to as text mining or text   more likely to contain responsive content. In predictive
           data mining — is the process of deriving high-quality   coding, a group of human reviewers initially code or tag
           information from text. Simple text analytics include   a group of documents. The reviewers then load that
           searching and then extraction from keywords and      “seed set” of tagged content onto a computer running
           other strings. More complex text analytics include   TAR software. The computer analyses the seed set
           approaches that focus on analysing patterns and trends   and learns from it, which documents should be labeled
           through means such as statistical pattern learning.   with which codes. In predictive coding, the quality of
           It also describes a set of linguistic, statistical, and   the results depends heavily on the quality of the original
           machine learning techniques that model and structure   seed set. If that seed is sloppily coded or incomplete, the
           the information content of textual sources for legal   computer’s results are similarly flawed.
           document analysis, business intelligence, exploratory
           data analysis, research, or investigation.           The next generation of TAR uses what’s known
                                                                as continuous active learning. With this advanced
           Text analytics is a central component of technology-  TAR, there is no seed set. Rather, human reviewers
           assisted review (TAR), a process of having computer   simply begin coding documents while the computer
           software electronically classify documents, such as   observes in the background, learning from their entries.
           email and other communications, based on input from   The computer analyses those tags and feeds the
           expert reviewers, to expedite the organization and   review team what it believes are the most important
           prioritization of the document collection by         documents. As the team codes those documents,
           •  elimination of not-relevant documents,            the computer integrates that information, improving
                                                                its understanding of the data set. Continuous active
           •   prioritization of the most substantive documents and  learning TAR is still dependent on the quality of the
           •  quality control of the human reviewers.           human coding, but it improves continuously as the
                                                                process continues. When the review team reaches a
           The computer classification may include broad topics   point where few or none of the results are relevant, the
           pertaining to discovery responsiveness, privilege, and   process is complete.
           other designated issues. TAR may dramatically reduce
           the time and cost of reviewing ESI, by reducing the
           amount of human review needed on documents initially
           classified as potentially non-relevant.

            19  See section on Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Emerging Technologies for more information.

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