Page 28 - Understandinging Forensic Technology Landscape
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the internet, much of the hearsay-like content developed Generally accepted use by courts
in the field was done through neighbor interviews and and stakeholders
trash pick-ups. Now, the target of an investigation (or
their friends or family members) may be tweeting, BI and open-source research are focused on obtaining
posting on Facebook, or self-reporting on social media. evidence for use in investigation and litigation.
Practitioners should consider whether the evidence
BI and open-source research is an iterative process. To obtained will be admissible under the applicable rules of
avoid a never-ending search, clearly establish the scope of evidence. Practitioners must also comply with regulatory
work and goals. Document the work and the observations restrictions on the use of personal, credit and other
as it emerges. Offer the client the best path forward for restricted information.
additional evidence and insight, considering whether new
tools and service offerings could increase productivity
and reduce redundant and complicated tasks.
Learn more
Common forensic applications for BI and open-source
research include the following: • Search vendor websites for free training,
Due diligence for valuation and M&A — OSINT white papers and seminars. The professional
can provide background on a company, its service tools such as LexisNexis, Thomson
principals, and associates; identify reputational Reuters, and others all offer free training,
concerns; and validate claims and assertions and white papers and webinars on their websites
possible risks or changes in trends. It can provide for subscribers and non-subscribers.
data to assess the company’s fiscal responsibility • AICPA Technology Resource Center > Data
and management’s capabilities to deliver on the Analytics/Business Intelligence describes
contract. best practices in BI as it applies to data
Asset tracing — OSINT may locate stolen, • Search for books on online research, internet
misappropriated or lost finances. An investigation investigations, open-source searching, and
of current assets via public records searches data removal for more detailed information on
for existing homes, vessels, other businesses, resources and approaches.
properties and intellectual property can lead
the investigator to the hidden or lost money. • i-Sight, a case management software
Social media and the target’s self-documented company, offers several free webinars on this
statements may identify changes in marital topic.
status, luxury purchases, new friends, expensive • Search the term “OSINT” (open-source
tastes, gambling debts and/or recent wealth. intelligence) to identify podcasts, webinars,
and other free resources.
Competitive intelligence — This develops and
gathers economic and market information • OSINT professionals use social media to
in general and gathers specific company share the latest resources amongst each
details for business decision making. Some other, often on Twitter.
BI databases focus on market research (such • The annual OSMOSIS Conference focuses
as LexisNexis, Thomson Reuters, Proquest, on training in online social media and OSINT.
Factiva, Dialog, Sayari, Arachanys) and keep the Analysis of past conferences can identify
news and literature of an industry organized and relevant speakers and vendors.
Understanding the forensic technology landscape | 24