Page 111 - Form W4 and payroll Tables
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                                                                   ous employment (defined below in this section) during
         6. Alternative Methods for                                the current calendar year.
                                                                  Complete the following steps to figure withholding tax
         Figuring Withholding                                   by the part-year method.

                                                                 1. Add the wages to be paid to the employee for the cur-
         You may use various methods of figuring federal income     rent payroll period to any wages that you’ve already
         tax  withholding.  The  methods  described  next  may  be   paid to the employee in the current term of continuous
         used  instead  of  the  Percentage  Method  and  Wage      employment. See definition for “term of continuous
         Bracket Method discussed earlier in this publication. Use   employment,” later.
         the  method  that  best  suits  your  payroll  system  and  em-
         ployees.                                                2. Add the number of payroll periods used in step 1 to
                 Employers must use a modified procedure to fig-    the number of payroll periods between the employ-
                                                                    ee's last employment and current employment. To
            !    ure the amount of federal income tax withholding   find the number of periods between the last employ-
          CAUTION  on  the  wages  of  nonresident  alien  employees.   ment and current employment, divide the number of
         Before  you  use  any  of  the  alternative  methods  to  figure   calendar days between the employee's last day of
         the federal income tax withholding on the wages of non-
         resident alien employees, see Withholding Adjustment for   earlier employment (or the previous December 31, if
                                                                    later) and the first day of current employment by the
         Nonresident Alien Employees, earlier.                      number of calendar days in the current payroll period.
         Annualized wages.  The Percentage Method Tables for     3. Divide the step 1 amount by the total number of pay-
         Automated Payroll Systems in section 1 and Worksheet 1     roll periods from step 2.
         allow you to figure federal income tax withholding based   4. Find the tax in the withholding tax tables on the step 3
         on annualized wages.                                       amount. Be sure to use the correct payroll period ta-
         Average  estimated  wages.  You  may  withhold  the  tax   ble and to take into account the employee's withhold-
         for a payroll period based on estimated average wages,     ing allowances if their Form W-4 is from 2019 or ear-
         with necessary adjustments, for any quarter. For details,   lier; or take into account other information provided on
         see Regulations section 31.3402(h)(1)-1.                   the employee's 2020 or later Form W-4.
                                                                 5. Multiply the total number of payroll periods from step
         Cumulative wages.  An employee may ask you, in writ-       2 by the step 4 amount.
         ing, to withhold tax on cumulative wages. If you agree to
         do so, and you’ve paid the employee for the same kind of   6. Subtract from the step 5 amount the total tax already
         payroll period (weekly, biweekly, etc.) since the beginning   withheld during the current term of continuous em-
         of the year, you may figure the tax as follows.            ployment. Any excess is the amount to withhold for
            Add the wages you’ve paid the employee for the cur-     the current payroll period.
         rent  calendar  year  to  the  current  payroll  period  amount.   See Regulations section 31.3402(h)(4)-1(c) for more infor-
         Divide this amount by the number of payroll periods so far   mation about the part-year method.
         this year, including the current period. Figure the withhold-
         ing  on  this  amount,  and  multiply  the  withholding  by  the   Term of continuous employment.  A term of continu-
         number  of  payroll  periods  so  far  this  year,  including  the   ous employment may be a single term or two or more fol-
         current  period.  Subtract  the  total  tax  already  deducted   lowing  terms  of  employment  with  the  same  employer.  A
         and  withheld  during  the  calendar  year  from  the  total   term of continuous employment includes holidays, regular
         amount  of  tax  calculated.  The  excess  is  the  amount  to   days  off,  and  days  off  for  illness  or  vacation.  A  term  of
         withhold for the current payroll period. See Revenue Pro-  continuous  employment  begins  on  the  first  day  that  an
         cedure 78-8, 1978-1 C.B. 562, for an example of the cu-  employee works for you and earns pay. It ends on the ear-
         mulative method.                                       lier of the employee's last day of work for you or, if the em-
                                                                ployee performs no services for you for more than 30 cal-
         Part-year  employment.  A  part-year  employee  who  fig-  endar days, the last workday before the 30-day period. If
         ures income tax on a calendar-year basis may ask you to   an employment relationship is ended, the term of continu-
         withhold tax by the part-year employment method. The re-  ous employment is ended even if a new employment rela-
         quest must be in writing, under penalties of perjury, and   tionship is established with the same employer within 30
         must contain the following information.                days.
           • The last day of any employment during the calendar   Other methods.  You may use other methods and tables
             year with any prior employer.                      for withholding taxes, as long as the amount of tax with-
           • A statement that the employee uses the calendar year   held is consistently about the same as it would be under
             accounting period.                                 the Percentage Method, as discussed in section 1. If you
           • A statement that the employee reasonably anticipates   develop  an  alternative  method  or  table,  you  should  test
             that he or she will be employed by all employers for a   the full range of wage and allowance situations to be sure
             total of no more than 245 days in all terms of continu-  that  they  meet  the  tolerances  contained  in  Regulations
                                                                section 31.3402(h)(4)-1(a) as shown in the chart below.

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