Page 46 - Form W4 and payroll Tables
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or an agent of the employer for the employer’s employ-
16. Third-Party Payer ment taxes. If an employer is using a PSP to perform its
tax duties, the employer remains liable for its employment
Arrangements tax obligations, including liability for employment taxes.
An employer who uses a PSP should ensure the PSP is
An employer may outsource some or all of its federal em- using EFTPS to make federal tax deposits on behalf of the
ployment tax withholding, reporting, and payment obliga- employer so the employer can confirm that the payments
tions. An employer who outsources payroll and related tax are being made on its behalf.
duties (that is, withholding, reporting, and paying over so- Reporting agent. A reporting agent is a type of PSP. A
cial security, Medicare, FUTA, and income taxes) to a reporting agent helps administer payroll and payroll-rela-
third-party payer, generally will remain responsible for ted tax duties on behalf of the employer, including authori-
those duties, including liability for the taxes. However, see zation to electronically sign and file forms set forth on
Certified professional employer organization (CPEO), Form 8655. An employer uses Form 8655 to authorize a
later, for an exception. reporting agent to perform functions on behalf of the em-
If an employer outsources some or all of its payroll re- ployer. A reporting agent performs these functions using
sponsibilities, the employer should consider the following the EIN of the employer. A reporting agent isn't liable as
information. either an employer or an agent of the employer for the em-
• The employer remains responsible for federal tax de- ployer’s employment taxes. If an employer is using a re-
porting agent to perform its tax duties, the employer re-
posits and other federal tax payments even though the mains liable for its employment obligations, including
employer may forward the tax amounts to the liability for employment taxes.
third-party payer to make the deposits and payments. A reporting agent must use EFTPS to make federal tax
If the third party fails to make the deposits and pay- deposits on behalf of an employer. The employer has ac-
ments, the IRS may assess penalties and interest on cess to EFTPS to confirm federal tax deposits were made
the employer’s account. As the employer, you may be on its behalf.
liable for all taxes, penalties, and interest due. The For more information on reporting agents, see Revenue
employer may also be held personally liable for certain Procedure 2012-32, 2012-34 I.R.B. 267, at
unpaid federal taxes. 2012-34_IRB#RP-2012-32, and Pub. 1474, Technical
• If the employer’s account has any issues, the IRS will Specifications Guide for Reporting Agent Authorization
send correspondence to the employer at the address and Federal Tax Depositors.
of record. We strongly recommend that the employer
maintain its address as the address of record with the Agent with an approved Form 2678. An agent with an
IRS. Having correspondence sent to the address of approved Form 2678 helps administer payroll and related
the third-party payer may significantly limit the em- tax duties on behalf of the employer. An agent authorized
ployer’s ability to be informed about tax matters involv- under section 3504 may pay wages or compensation to
ing the employer’s business. Use Form 8822-B to up- some or all of the employees of an employer, prepare and
date your business address. file employment tax returns as set forth on Form 2678,
• When a third party enrolls an employer in EFTPS for prepare Form W-2, and make federal tax deposits and
other federal tax payments. An employer uses Form 2678
federal tax deposits, the employer will receive an In- to request authorization to appoint an agent to perform
quiry PIN. Employers should activate and use this In- functions on behalf of the employer. An agent with an ap-
quiry PIN to monitor their account and ensure the third proved Form 2678 is authorized to perform these func-
party is making the required tax deposits. tions using its own EIN. The agent files a Schedule R
The following are common third-party payers who an (Form 941) or, if applicable, Schedule R (Form 943) to al-
employer may contract with to perform payroll and related locate wages and taxes to the employers it represents as
tax duties. an agent.
If an employer is using an agent with an approved Form
• Payroll service provider (PSP). 2678 to perform its tax duties, the agent and the employer
• Reporting agent. are jointly liable for the employment taxes and related tax
• Agent with approved Form 2678. duties for which the agent is authorized to perform.
Form 2678 doesn't apply to FUTA taxes reportable on
• Payer designated under section 3504. Form 940 unless the employer is a home care service re-
• Certified professional employer organization (CPEO). cipient receiving home care services through a program
administered by a federal, state, or local government
Payroll service provider (PSP). A PSP helps adminis- agency.
ter payroll and payroll-related tax duties on behalf of the For more information on an agent with an approved
employer. A PSP may prepare paychecks for employees, Form 2678, see Revenue Procedure 2013-39, 2013-52
prepare and file employment tax returns, prepare Form I.R.B. 830, at
W-2, and make federal tax deposits and other federal tax
payments. A PSP performs these functions using the EIN Payer designated under section 3504. In certain cir-
of the employer. A PSP isn't liable as either an employer cumstances, the IRS may designate a third-party payer to
Page 44 Publication 15 (2020)