Page 4 - Payables Magazine
P. 4



     -Scanned invoices are arranged in aging                     Clicking  on  the  number  displays  those
     buckets,  when  you  click  on  any  of  the                invoices in the subsequent table.
     numbers those invoices are displayed in                     -The Holds infolet indicates the types of

     a  table.  Notice  they're  assigned  to  a                 holds placed on the invoice. The invoice
     specialist  for  processing.  If  you?e                     data needs to be corrected to resolve the
     Payable  Specialist,  you  can  process  the                validation holds. Holds are displayed by
     invoice  accordingly.  In  the  event  they're              the  type  and  require  review  and
     assigned  to  other  specialist  you  can                   release, usually by a manager. Clicking

     follow-up  with  them  on  processing  the
                                                                 the linked type displays those invoices
                                                                 in the subsequent table.
     -Recent  invoices  that  are  were  updated

     or  created  in  the  last  7  days  are
     displayed. The slice shows the portion of

     invoices  that  still  need  to  be  validated.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9