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Hungry Horse
                                                                                  Location: On Highway 2, 10 miles west of West
                                                                                  Glacier. Population: 900.

                                                                                  Hungry Horse was named after two freight horses
                                                                                used for logging the rugged wilderness of the Flathead
                                                                                River’s  South  Fork  area  who  wandered  away  from
                                                                                their sleigh during the severe winter of 1900-01, but
                                                                                were found a month later and nursed back to health.
                                                                                  The town is a great place for a traveler’s rest break
                                                                                or to spend the night prior to a full day in Glacier Park.
                                                                                Roadside stands offer various delicious concoctions
                                                                                made from native huckleberries.
                                                                                  Completed  in 1953, the nearby 564-foot high
                                                                                Hungry  Horse  Dam  is  Montana’s  highest,  and  the
                                                                                eleventh largest concrete dam in the US. Guided tours
                                                                                start at the Visitor Center, beginning in mid-June. A
                                                                                road circling the 34-mile long reservoir provides easy
                                                                                access to excellent  fishing  spots,  boating  recreation
                                                                                and many hiking areas in the surrounding spectacular
                                                                                wilderness area.
                                                               Meadow Lake Golf Course
                                                                        photo by:  Coram
                                                                Columbia Falls Chamber
                                                                                  Location:  On Highway 2, seven miles south of
                                                                                West Glacier. Population: 400.
      Whitefish                            with evergreens shipped to many urban points for   Coram  offers  great  family  fun  at  the  Amazing
        Location:  Hwy  93;  8  miles  from  Whitefish   holiday sales.         Fun Center. Plan to spend the whole day wandering
        Mountain Resort (Big Mountain); 15 miles north    Columbia Falls        around in a world class maze, playing bumper water
        of Kalispell;  25 miles  from Glacier  National                         boats, scaling the climbing wall, getting a high score
        Park. Population:  6,800.  Visitor Information:   Location: On Highway 2; 16 miles north of   on bank shot basketball, racing go carts and playing a
        Whitefish  Area  Chamber  of  Commerce,  307   Kalispell, 16 miles west of  West Glacier.   round of exceptionally fun mini golf.
        Spokane Ave, Ste 103, PO Box 1120, Whitefish,   Population: 4688.  Visitor Information:   One spot visitors may want to check out is the
        MT 59937; Phone: (406) 862-3501; Email:   Columbia Falls Area Chamber of Commerce,   bright red Whiskey Barn right on Highway 2, home to
                                             located at 233 13 St. East; PO Box 312,   Glacier Distilling, which opened up early in 2011. The
      Eureka                                 Columbia  Falls, MT  59912;  Phone:  (406)   distillery offers a light whiskey named Glacier Dew
        Location: On Highway 93; 52 miles northwest   Website:  in honor of the old-timer Glacier Park homesteader
        of  Whitefish.  Area  Population:  5423.  Visitor                       hermit Josephine Doody who was renowned for her
        Information:  Visitor’s Center  is located   With a central location just minutes from   great  moonshine,  Badrock  Rye,  North  Fork  White
        in the Historical  Village;  website: www.  Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake, numerous   Whiskey  and  Belton  Point  Bourbon.  The  micro                golf courses and Whitefish Mountain Ski Resort,   distillery  bottles the spirit in small batches, which
                                           Columbia  Falls  offers  year  round  attractions  and   are for sale in their tasting room, each with its own
        The beautiful town of Eureka  is located  just   recreation,  family-friendly  accommodations  and   historical story from the canyon area.
      five  minutes  south  of  the  Canadian  Port  of  Entry   dining.          The  Stonefly  Lounge  offers  live  entertainment,
      at  Roosville  and  approximately  one  hour  north  of   Not only is Columbia Falls known as the   drawing regional and national talent.
      Glacier International  Airport in Kalispell. Eureka   Gateway to Glacier National Park, it is the pathway   If a peaceful retreat is more to your liking, Coram
      offers  many  fine  art  galleries  and  gift  shops,  cafes   to a rustic and scenic alternative route to the Park   is the perfect place for a getaway. Camping, RV parks,
      and restaurants, a theater and access to some of the   at  Camas  Creek  Park  Entrance.  County  Road   vacation  rentals, beautiful  lodging and sprawling
      most breathtaking scenery in the world. Plentiful and   486 follows the North Fork of the Flathead, a   guest ranches are all located here, just minutes away
      diverse accommodations include B&Bs, motor inns   designated Wild and Scenic River which forms the   from the heart of Glacier National Park.
      and comfortable lodges like the River Stone Family   western boundary of Glacier Park. There are many   West Glacier
      Lodge, located a few minutes north of Eureka offering   recreational sites along this route for wilderness
      deluxe cabins and adventure packages.  hiking,  canoeing,  kayaking  and  rafting,  fishing,   Location:  Hwy 2; 33 miles from Kalispell, 56
        Eureka was founded as “Deweyville” in the early   sightseeing, photography and camping.   miles  from  East  Glacier.  Visitor  Information:
      1880s as settlers  moved  north from Missoula and   Nucleus  Avenue anchors a variety of small   National  Park  Visitor  Center  and  Park
      south from Canada. Logging was a major draw and   shops, antique stores, boutiques and supermarket.   Headquarters,  West Glacier, MT 59936;
      source of income  for decades.  Eureka was once   A  weekly  Farmer’s  Market  offers  local  fare,  live   Phone: (406) 888-7800.  Travel Alberta Visitor
      known as the “Christmas Tree Capital of the World,”   music and Montana crafts.  Information Centre, Toll Free: 1(800) ALBERTA
                                                                                  (252-3782); Website:
                                                Bad Rock                        Glacier National Park.  The Park contains over a
                                                                                  West Glacier is the western entrance  to scenic
                                                    Books                       million  acres  of  the  finest  mountain  scenery  in
                                                                                  Hotel,  campgrounds,  golf,  shopping  and  fine
                                                           615 Nucleus Ave.     restaurants  are  all  available.  Hiking, backpacking,
                                                          Columbia Falls, MT    fishing excursions and horseback trips into the Park
                                                            406.892.0515        can be booked there and boat rentals and scenic
                                               helicopter  flights  are  available.  Whitewater  rafting
                                                                                is popular and several rafting concessions provide
                                                          CUSTOM                thrilling  excursions on the Middle Fork of the
                                                                                Flathead River  that  flows  through  the  center  of  the
                                                           ORDERS               community.
                                                                                  West Glacier is home to the Glacier Institute, an
                                                                                educational  facility  providing courses on geology,
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