Page 11 - Travel Guide
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Western Montana:
      “Land of Shining Mountains”
        Mountains  exist  everywhere,  range  upon     MONTANA
      range, in the state’s western half.  Nowhere has
      nature  wrought  such  power  and  magnificence
      than in the Mission and Swan ranges and Glacier
      National Park. Montana’s vast treasures exist in its
      meadows alive with colorful wildflowers, browsing
      wildlife, roaring mountain streams and sparkling
      blue alpine lakes.
        Glacier  National  Park  offers  some  of  the
      most beautiful  scenery in the  world. The Park’s
      travel season is generally from mid-June to mid-
      September. Campground opening dates vary from
      campground to campground. Fishing is permitted
      although  non-fee  licenses  are  required.  Daily
      schedules include  guided trips, all-day hikes,
      boat trips and campfire programs at Apgar, Fish
      Creek, Many Glacier, Two Medicine and Waterton.
      A $2 pass must be reserved in advance through  to  drive  Going-to-the-Sun  or  the
      Northfork Road during the summer from 6am-4pm
      and 6am-6pm respectively.
        Whitefish  and  Flathead  Lakes  are  favored
      destinations for swimming, boating, sailing, water
      skiing  and  fishing.  There  are  public  and  private
      camping facilities at both lakes.
        Whitefish  Mountain  Resort  (formerly  Big
      Mountain) north of Whitefish has become one of
      the most popular ski areas in the state. It offers   Wild Goose Island - Glacier National Park
      the  finest  in  downhill  and  cross-country  skiing;   photo by:
      snowmobile trails are also within easy reach.  Loco Steve
        The natural beauty of the Bob Marshall and the
      Great Bear Wilderness Areas, as well as the entire   Highway 200 (the “back road” to Glacier National   Paradise/Quinn’s Hot Springs
      Flathead National Forest attracts visitors from   Park via State Highway 56) and scenic State Highway   Location: Hwy 200; 23 miles from St. Regis on
      throughout  the  U.S.  and  Canada.  Horse  rentals   471, linking it to Interstate 90 via Kingston, ID.  I-90, 54 miles from Flathead Lake.
      are  available  for  special  adventures  in  reaching   Plains
      these primitive environs where nature remains                               Located  on  the  Clark  Fork  River,  Paradise  is
      untouched by mankind.                  Location:  Hwy 200 at Milepost 70; 80 miles   surrounded by the Lolo National Forest. Unlimited
        St.  Ignatius  Mission  Church  stands  as  an   from Missoula. Population:  992.  Visitor   recreational opportunities include hunting and fishing,
      inspiring monument of the growth and development   information:  Plains-Paradise  Chamber  of   wildlife viewing and most outdoor sports. To the east,
                                             Commerce,  PO Box 714, Plains, MT  59859;
      of the majestic Flathead Valley and an evidence of   Phone (406) 826-3662.  the National Bison Range offers panoramic views of
      the faith and devotion of the Salish and Kootenai                         spectacular scenery and wildlife.
                                                                                  On Hwy 135 just a few minutes from Paradise,
      people.  The Mission was constructed from local   This area’s rolling  terrain  and pleasant growing   Quinn’s Hot Springs offers fun and relaxation in seven
      materials  in  1891  and  is  graced  with  fifty-eight   season spawned the name of Wild Horse Plains in the   beautiful new warm and hot mineral water pools,
      beautifully painted murals.  It remains a significant   early days. That name still applies to the town library,   with exceptional dining on comfortable terraces.
      religious center and is open daily for viewing.  No   County fairgrounds, town park and swimming pool   Accommodations are available within their fine lodges
      admission is charged, but donations are accepted   and a nine-hole golf course.  and a variety of luxury river view and canyonside
      to assist with preservation.                                              cabins. Positioned right on the Clark Fork River, their
        The National Bison Range is open daily to the  Hot Springs              event center offers a unique style and atmosphere that
      public  with  a small  admission fee  charged from   Location:  Hwy  28  off  Hwy  200,  midway   can host any size and type of gathering, from weddings,
      mid-May through October. Self-guided tours on a   between Plains and Flathead Lake. Population:   receptions and rehearsals to business and training
      scenic drive afford opportunities for viewing not   600.                  sessions. The open air Paradise Pavillion is also ready
      only buffalo, but also herds of elk, deer, mountain                       to host your celebration. Every July, Quinn’s presents
      sheep  and  pronghorn  antelope.  Several  hundred   One of Montana’s hidden treasures, Hot Springs   the Montana Baroque Music Festival.
      buffalo roam freely on this range and the herds are   sits at  the  base of the  Cabinet  Mountains between   Shortly after Martin Quinn discovered this secluded
      sometimes visible from Highway 93 just south of   Kalispell and Missoula. Founded in 1910 and named   hot springs in the early 1880s, he built a residence,
      St. Ignatius.                        for the local hot mineral springs that still flow today,   bathhouses and sleeping accommodations for guests.
                                           the town had its beginning during the time  of the   The springs were used mostly for rheumatism therapy
      Thompson Falls                       big  buffalo  herds  when  the  “Big  Medicine”  waters   and to cleanse the body of alcohol, tobacco and
                                                                                mine poisons.  Martin became so popular in his new
                                           bubbled  freely,  flowing  up  from  the  pit  of  the  hot
        Location: Hwy 200, Milepost 50; 101 miles   water spring.               profession that he was referred to as “Dr. Quinn.” His
        west of Missoula, MT; 84 miles east of   The  steamy  pool  created  from  the  overflow   wife Fannie was a noble English woman and gracious
        Sandpoint,  ID.  Population  1,319.  Visitor   churned with volcanic mud and the smell of sulfur   hostess with her fine linens, china and crystal. Together
        Information:  Thompson Falls Chamber of   was carried in the breezes, mixed with the spicy scent   they made Quinn’s a great American example of safari-
        Commerce and Visitors Center, PO Box 493,   of wild sage.  It was here that the Natives of the region   style luxury.
        Thompson Falls, MT 59873;  Website: www.  constructed small huts in the hot water to relax and   Today at Quinn’s Hot Springs you can enjoy that; Phone: (406)   breathe the steam of “The Big Medicine.”  same luxury in a modern facility and share in the
        827-4930 to request free visitor package.  Today thousands of people seek rest and relief in   beauty of this rugged, charming and romantic piece of
                                           the fine mineral springs and mud baths.  Hot Springs   Paradise. Day use swim passes must be reserved online
        Thompson Falls is situated at the junction of   is a full service community with public pools, hotels   at
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