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        Location:  On I-5, about midway between   WASHINGTON
        Washington’s borders  with  Canada  and
        Oregon, on Puget Sound. Population:  City:
        635,000; Metropolitan Area: 3.6 million. Visitor
        Information: Website:
        Surrounded by water, densely packed with scenic
      hills and tree lined streets, and with snow capped
      mountains visible in almost every direction, Seattle is
      a rare urban environment where outdoor style living
      has not been sacrificed for cosmopolitan culture.  One
      of America’s most livable cities, its central core has
      been converted to colorful historic districts that hold
      the best of the city’s arts, shopping and nightlife.
      Seattle  is a cultural hot spot recognized for its   Downtown Seattle
      alternative music scene and jazz history. The city has   photo by:
      also enjoyed success as a Boeing aircraft, computer   Tiffany Von Arnim
      and high tech communications center.
                                             5, an hour south of Canada. Population: 67,171.   Ocean Shores
         I-5 SOUTH SEATTLE TO VANCOUVER, WA  Visitor  Information:  Bellingham/Whatcom
                                             County Convention and Visitors Bureau; Phone:    Location: 75 miles west of Olympia, on
      Vancouver                              (360) 671-3990; Email:  Highway  115  off  Highway  109.  Population:
                                                                                  2,550.  Visitor Information: Ocean Shores/
        Location: Interstates 5 and 205, 2 miles north                            North Beach Chamber of Commerce, PO Box
        of Portland, Oregon and 160 south of Seattle.   Located on Bellingham Bay with Mt. Baker as its   382, Ocean Shores, WA 98569; Phone: (360)
        Population: 46,380. Visitor Information: Greater   backdrop,  Bellingham is the  last  major city  before   289-2451.
        Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, 404 E. 15th   the Washington coastline meets the Canadian border.
        Street, Suite 11, Vancouver, WA 98663; Phone:   Transportation  links connect  the community  to the   Ocean Shores is a 6,000-acre peninsula at the
        (360) 750-1553.                    nearby San Juan Islands and Victoria on Vancouver   mouth  of  Gray’s Harbor, the  only  deep-water
                                           Island.  Bellingham  is  the  southernmost  port  for   port  on  the  Pacific  Coast  north  of  San  Francisco,
        When  exploring  Vancouver, visitors can  relive   the Alaska Ferry System, which makes week long   with six miles of sandy beach and 23 miles of
      history at Fort  Vancouver National Historic Site,   voyages through Alaska’s Inside Passage.  interconnecting lakes and canals.  There are 700
      Officers’  Row  National  Historical  District,  Pearson                  overnight accommodations available, most on the
      Air Museum, Pomeroy Living History Farm, Salishan  Mt. Baker/Glacier      ocean with fireplaces, swimming pools, spas and full
      Vineyard and Lewis and Clark Railway.  Location:    Approximately  80 miles  north of   kitchens.
                                             Seattle on Highway 5 to Mt. Baker Hwy 542 at
             HWY 14 EAST OF VANCOUVER                                           The Cranberry Coast
             ALONG THE COLUMBIA RIVER                                           Westport/Grayland/North Cove/Tokeland
                                                    WASHINGTON COAST              Location: State Highway Spur 105; 130 miles
      Stevenson                                                                   southwest of Seattle, 162 miles north of
        Location:  On Highway 14, 45 miles  east  of   Port Angeles               Portland. Grayland Population: 1,800. Visitor
        Vancouver, WA.  Population:  1,500. Visitor   Location: Gateway to Olympic National   Information:  Westport-Grayland Chamber of
        Information:  Skamania  County Chamber of   Park,  Hwy  101,  17  miles  west  of  Sequim.   Commerce, 2985 So. Montesano St. Westport,
        Commerce,  PO Box 1037, 167 NW Second   Population: 19,038.  Visitor Information: Port   WA  98595; Phone: (800) 345-6223; Website:
        Avenue  (Hwy 14) Stevenson,  WA 98648;   Angeles  Chamber,  121  E.  Railroad  Avenue,
        Phone: (509) 427-8911 or 800-989-9178;   Port  Angeles,  WA 98362. Phone (360) 452-
        Website:            2363; Email:  Raymond
                                                                                  Location:   Highway 101, on Willapa  Bay; 26
        Nestled between the Columbia River to the south   Port Angeles is located on the Olympic Peninsula,   miles  south  of  Aberdeen,  55  miles  north  of
      and the mountains and basalt cliffs of the Gorge to the   one of the most scenic areas in the Pacific Northwest.   Astoria, Oregon. Population:  3,000.  Visitor
      north, Stevenson offers respite from the bustle of large   The majestic beauty of the Olympic Mountains,   Information: Raymond Chamber of Commerce,
      cities, with a laid back lifestyle reminiscent of earlier   Olympic National Park, Strait of Juan de Fuca and   PO Box 87, Raymond, WA 98577; Phone: (360)
      decades.  Incorporated in 1907, Stevenson is the county   wide expanse of the Pacific Ocean provide a large   942-5419; Website:
      seat of Skamania County and many of the downtown   range of recreational opportunities. City Pier offers
      buildings were built at that time.   breathtaking views of the mountains, city and harbor   South Bend
                                           from  the  three-story viewing  tower. Explore the   Location:  Highway  101  west  of  Raymond,
         I-5 NORTH SEATTLE TO BC BORDER    undersea exhibits and delightful “touching tanks”   on  Willapa Bay. Population: 1800.  Visitor
                                           of the Feiro Marine Life Center on the pier. Guided   Information:  Willapa  Harbor Chamber of
      Anacortes                            kayaking tours are available as well as rentals of   Commerce,  PO Box 1249, South  Bend,  WA
                                           kayaks and bikes. The Olympic Discovery Trail runs
        Location: On Fidalgo Island, easternmost of the   adjacent to the downtown waterfront for cyclists,   98586; Phone: (360) 942-5419; Website: www.
        San Juan Islands, accessible by bridge from the   runners and anybody ready for a leisure stroll.
        west and from Whidbey Island to the south on
        Star Route 20.  Served by the Washington State   Ocean City             Long Beach
        Ferry, connecting the San Juans and Sidney/                               Location:  Highway  103  off  of  Highway  101;
        Victoria BC; 90 miles north of Seattle, 60 miles   Location: On the mid-Washington coast on   127 miles  from  Portland;  160 miles  from
                                             Hwy 109, north of Gray Harbor.   Visitor
        south of  Vancouver, BC. Population: 16,000.   Information: Ocean Shores/North Beach   Seattle.  Population: 5,500. Visitor Information:
        Visitor Information: Anacortes Chamber  Visitor   Chamber of Commerce, Phone: (360) 289-  Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau, PO Box
        Information Center: 819 Commercial Ave; Phone:   2451; Website:  562, Long Beach, WA  98631; at the junctions
        (360) 293-3832; Website:                               of Highways 101 and 103 in Seaview; Phone:
                                                                                  (800) 451-2542.
                                              Ocean City is situated in the middle of legendary
      Bellingham                           Copalis Beach and is a center for both commercial
        Location: 90 miles north of Seattle on Interstate   and tourist clam diggers and summer vacationers.   The Long Beach Peninsula is a beautiful, natural
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