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Downtown   Spokane  Visitor   Information
                                                                                  Center, 20l  W. Main, Spokane,  WA 9920l;
                                                                                  Phone:  (888)-SPOKANE.  Spokane  Regional
                                                                                  Convention  and  Visitors Bureau, 80l  West
                                                                                  Riverside  Avenue  Suite  30l,  Spokane,  WA
                                                                                  9920l; Website:

                                                                                  The hardest part about planning a visit to the
                                                                                Spokane  Region  is  deciding  what  to  see  and  do
                                                                                first, with all the shopping, dining, arts, indoor and
                                                                                outdoor recreation you could wish for, Spokane is a
                                                                                Northwest wonderland complete with natural beauty
                                                                                and  fantastic  weather.  Request  a  visitor  packet  and
                                                                                plan to stop by one of the Visitor Information Centers
                                                                                when you arrive.
                                                                   Washington Coast  Spokane, known as the Lilac City, is the hub of
                                                                       photo by:  a large area known as the Inland Northwest. It is a
                                                                    Thomas Shahan
                                                                                trade center for the 3-state region and also a gateway
                                                                                to outdoor opportunities located in this scenic area.
      setting  almost  entirely  surrounded by water  and   Sunnyside           Spokane is so well located  that  a visitor can be
      recognized as the longest driving beach on earth.   Location: Centrally located on I-82, Sunnyside   horseback riding at a dude ranch, jet boating in Hells
      From surf and sand to lush green forests, fresh water   is about a three-hour drive (180 miles) from   Canyon or water-skiing or fishing on Lake Roosevelt
      and deep sea fishing, the Peninsula offers a variety of   Portland, Seattle or Spokane; 35 miles to   in less than two hours. There are 76 lakes within a 50-
      sports activities and amusements.                                         mile radius, over l,635 miles of maintained biking and
                                             Yakima and 45 miles to Tri-Cities.  Population:   hiking  trails,  five  ski  resorts  and  numerous  forests,
                                             14,000 with a market area population of   state parks and resorts.
              CENTRAL WASHINGTON             75,000.                              It was the river that first drew people to Spokane
                                                                                hundreds of years ago and it’s the river that continues
      Othello                                      EASTERN WASHINGTON           to be the heart and the soul of the state’s second largest
        Location: 25 miles south of I-90 at the                                 city.  The Spokane River snakes through downtown,
        intersection of State Hwys 17 and 26; 180   Spokane                     rumbles  over  one  of the  largest  urban  waterfalls  in
        miles east of Seattle and 110 miles southwest                           the United States and is the focal point of l00-acre
        of Spokane. Population: 7600.  Visitor   Location:  Near the  Washington/Idaho border   Riverfront Park.  It’s a four-season river that thunders
        Information:  Greater  Othello  Chamber;  on Interstate  90; 33 miles from Coeur   in the spring with icy snow melt, turns placid and cool
        Phone: (509) 488-2683;  Website: www.  d’Alene,  Idaho;  289 miles  from Seattle.   in  the  summer,  meanders  under  brilliantly  colored                  Population:  212,000.  Visitor Information:   leaves in fall and runs cold and steady in winter.

                                                Paradise, Montana

         406-826-3150                                                     Photography by Noah Couser

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