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                                                     NORTHWEST USA • ALASKA • CANADA • YUKON

           Publisher, Scott Graber
         As the publisher of the  TRAVEL
      GUIDE, I have over 40 years of experience                   Main Edition of
      exploring the great state of Alaska.                         TRAVEL GUIDE               Experience the
         I have had a front row seat to nature’s                    320 Pages
      greatest shows of glacier calving, whales                     Northwest                North
      breeching and Kodiak bears battling                         USA, Alaska, &                          EDITION
      over salmon. Along the way  I have come                        Canada
      across some remarkable towns and
      have met extraordinary people from all
      over the world. When most people plan
      their Alaska vacation they book one of
      the numerous cruise ships that frequent
      the waterways of the 49th state. While
      traveling in one of these floating cities
      has its place, it does impart a more
      restricted form of vacationing as groups           Experience                           Experience
      of people are herded on and off the ship        Alaska                                Alaska
      with very limited time devoted to each
      port.  If sight seeing with thousands of                      EDITION                              EDITION
      other people isn’t for you, then I would                                               Southeast
      suggest  you follow the  itinerary for
      Travel Guide’s “Eight Perfect Days in
      Southeast Alaska.”

         Cover photo by Jennifer Culbertson

         About Jennifer Culbertson
                                                                   The Ultimate                          Fly Alaska
        Picture  courtesy  of  Jennifer  Culbertson,                  Bear                              Eight Perfect
                                                                                                          Days in
      owner of Kodiak Island Expeditions                            Information                          Southeast,
        A  female  brown  bear  with  3  cubs  of  the               Guide                              Southcentral,
      year in Katmai National Park, Alaska.                         BREATH OF                             Interior,
                                                                                                        Southwest, Far
        It is not unusual to see a female bear with                 THE BEAR                           North and Kenai
      three cubs, but it is unusual to see them riding                                                    Alaska
      on her back!
        Our company is located on Kodiak Island,                                 FREE DIGITAL EDITIONS NOW
      close to the coast of Katmai National Park. We                                   AVAILABLE
      operate  from  late  May  until  October.  Let  us                          CHECK AT PARTICIPATING
      show you the best of what Alaska has to offer.                              VENDORS THROUGHOUT
                                                                                   ALASKA & CANADA FOR   CODES!
                                                                                  LARGE DISPLAY QR CODES
                                                                                  TO DOWNLOAD ALL OUR
                                                                                  PUBLICATIONS FOR FREE!
                                                                     Fly Alaska
                                                                   WINTER EDITION  SCAN THE CODE FOR YOUR FREE DIGITAL EDITION
                                                                    Iditarod, Fur
                                                                   Rondy, Skiing,
                                                                   Alaska’s Aurora
                                                                   Borealis & more!
         Willy and Jennifer

                VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT or e-mail:
                                             Cover Photo by Jennifer Culbertson
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