Page 10 - Travel Guide
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Idaho is a land of variety and contrasts: bustling
                         IDAHO                                                  modern cities and vast primitive wilderness; rich farm-
                                                                                lands and sweeping expanses of lava and sagebrush;
                                                                                rushing rivers, solitary streams and placid lakes.
                                                                                  Lewis and Clark were the first white men to see the
                                                                                land that is now Idaho. After them came the fur trap-
                                                                                pers and traders, hunters and missionaries. Following
                                                                                the discovery of gold and the arrival of prospectors in
                                                                                1860, pioneers trekked into Idaho settling the land and
                                                                                developing it for farming.
                                                                                  Northern Idaho is blessed with more than its share
                                                                                of rivers and lakes. There’s Lake Pend Oreille, Priest
                                                                                Lake, Hayden Lake, Lake Coeur d’Alene, Spirit Lake,
                                                                                Rose Lake and Black Lake. The St. Joe River is believed
                                                                                to be the highest commercially navigable river in the
                                                                                world. Fishing is a way of life here. Pend Oreille Lake
                                                                                holds the record for the world’s largest Kamloops trout,
                                                                  Snake River Canyon  Priest Lake for the largest Mackinaw. Moose, elk,
                                                                       photo by:
                                                                        Chad H.  whitetail and mule deer and even the rare mountain
                                                                                caribou live in this rich north country.

      Priest River                           Coeur d’Alene is situated  on the shores of   It is also one of the few cities in the United States
        Location:   Hwy 2; 47 miles northeast of   beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene, the gateway to miles   to  be  included on  the  National Historic  Register  in
                                           of waterfront edged with sandy beaches, docks, city
        Spokane.  Population: Approximately 2,500.   park,  virgin  pine  and  fir  trees,  nature  trails  and  a   its  entirety.  Wallace  offers  the  visitor  a  Downtown
                                                                                District Walking Tour and an underground tour of the
      Priest Lake                          flotilla  of  boats.  Powerboats,  sailboats,  houseboats   Sierra Silver Mine. Several museums allow a glimpse
                                           and even surf sailors hem the  four-mile  waterfront
        Location: Priest Lake is located on Highway 57,   that is readily accessible to hikers, joggers, sightseers   of  the  past:  Wallace  District  Mining  Museum,  the
        which runs north from the town of Priest River,   and nature lovers. Enjoy the world’s longest public   Northern  Pacific  Depot  Railroad  Museum  and  the
        located on Highway 2 approximately 20 miles   floating boardwalk. A patio with benches and bright   Oasis  Bordello Museum. Enjoy the popular Sixth
        west of Sandpoint. Population: about 600 year   flowers, a boat-gap bridge and swing-out drawbridge   Street  Melodrama  for an evening  of entertainment.
        round residents.   Visitor Information:   Priest   add to the experience of a waterside boardwalk stroll.  For the shopper, there are  many silver, gift  and
                                             The town and lake of Coeur d’ Alene have grown
        Lake Chamber of Commerce;  Website: www.  into  an  international  resort  destination with  homes   specialty shops within the city. The surrounding area; Email:  and resorts nestled along 100 miles of shoreline. Lake   also provides two ski hills, cross-country, snowmobile
                                                                                and mountain biking trails, horseback riding, fishing,
      Spirit Lake                          Coeur d’ Alene is over 26 miles long and has many   golfing and other recreational opportunities.
                                           well-maintained boat ramps.
        Location:    Hwy 41,  25  miles  north  of  Coeur
        d’ Alene.  Population:  Approximately  1,200.   Worley                  Lookout Pass Ski Area
        Visitor Information: Local merchants.  Location:  On Highway 95, 25 miles south of   Location:  Near the Idaho/Montana  border on
      Sandpoint                              Coeur d’ Alene.                      I-90. Contact (208) 744-1301 or visit www.
        Location:   Highway 95 North in the Idaho   Kellogg
        Panhandle;  79  miles from  Spokane;  46  miles   Location:  Highway I-90; approximately  12     Idaho’s oldest  ski  area,  Lookout  opened  in
        from Coeur d’Alene. Population: 5,500. Visitor   miles west of Wallace, 35 miles east of Coeur d’   1935  and  today  it  is  an  affordable  family  ski  area
        Information:  Highway 95, 1/4 mile north   Alene.  Population: 2,600. Visitor Information:   combining easy access with great snow.  More than
        of town.  Chamber of Commerce:  Greater   Silver  Valley  Chamber of Commerce, 608   350-400 inches of snowfall per year means there’s
        Sandpoint  Chamber, PO Box 928, Sandpoint,   Bunker  Avenue,  Kellogg,  ID  83837;  Phone   always great powder skiing.
        ID 83864; Phone: (208) 263-2161.     (208) 784-0821. Location:  On I-90, 11 miles
                                             west of Kellogg. Population: 780.  Visitor   Moscow
      Bonners Ferry                          Information: Historic  Wallace  Chamber of   Location: On Hwy 95 north of Lewiston, near
                                                                                  the  Washington  border. Population:  22,000
                                             Commerce; (208) 753-7151.
        Location:  Highways 2 and  95;  30 miles                                  Visitor  Information:  Moscow Chamber  of
        south of the US-Canadian Border; 108 miles   Kellogg is rich in mining history from an era past,   Commerce,  411 South Main Street,  Moscow,
        from Spokane: 32 miles from Sandpoint and   but  still  thrives  with  the  influx  of  new  enterprise.
        Schweitzer  Ski  Area; 80 miles from Coeur   Located  in the  Coeur  d’Alene  region of Idaho’s   ID 83843; Phone: (208) 882-1800 or (800) 380-
        d’Alene.  Population:  Approximately 2,000   “Panhandle,”  this community  still evidences a   1801; Email:
        (city);  8,500 (county).  Visitor Information:   colorful  past  that  will  capture  one’s imagination.
        Greater Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce,   Immediate areas surrounding Kellogg are frequented  Sun Valley / Ketchum
        205 East Riverside, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805;   by visitors interested in reliving the exciting and often   Location: On Hwy 75, 82 miles north of Twin
        Phone: (208) 267-5922; Email:  info@  violent mining dispute history of the town.  Falls. Visitor  Information:  Website:  www.              The  Silver Valley  is an  important  historical  area
                                           of Idaho.  Gold was discovered  a few miles  north
      Clark Fork                           of Wallace in 1882, which then led to the discovery   Sun Valley offers more recreational opportunities
                                           of silver, lead  and  zinc  in  the  region.   Since  that
        Location: Hwy 200; 8 miles south of Hope, 4   time, the valley’s Coeur d’ Alene mining district has   than any other destination resort in the country, and
        miles  from Lake  Pend Orielle,  76 miles  from   been one of the largest silver mining regions in the   except for wilderness adventuring, the wide array of
        Coeur d’Alene, 104 miles from Spokane.  world.  Mining history provides the traveler unique   activities are all available within walking distance of
                                           recreational adventures from exploring ghost towns   the quaint village.
      Coeur d’ Alene                       to panning for gold.                   Enjoy fine dining,  exceptional entertainment and
        Location: Junction of Highways 95 and I-90; 30                          nightlife,  great  shopping and soothing spas, then
        miles to Spokane, WA; 46 miles to Sandpoint;   Wallace                  relax in your choice of accommodation in preparation
        100 miles south of the Canadian border; 173   Location:  On I-90, 11 miles  west of Kellogg.   for fabulous skiing  and snowboarding, exploring
        miles  to Missoula, MT; 310 miles  to Seattle,   Population:  780.  Visitor Information:  Historic   multi-purpose trails, ice skating, swimming and golf,
        WA. Population:  30,000.  Visitor  Information:   Wallace  Chamber  of Commerce;  (208) 753-  to name just a few of the exhilarating pursuits to be
        2nd and Sherman (year-round) and U.S. 95 and                            enjoyed in Sun Valley.
        Appleway (booth in summer); Coeur d’Alene   7151.
        Area Chamber of Commerce, 1621 N 3rd Street,                              The town of Ketchum has a fascinating history
        Coeur d’Alene, ID  83814; Phone: (208) 664-  The historic  city  of Wallace  has a most colorful   dating back to the 1880s, when the area was one of
        3194.                              past and a history that dates back over 100 years.   the richest mining districts in the Northwest.
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