Page 14 - Travel Guide
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                                                                                  Location:  Highways 93  and  2;  33  miles  from
                                                                                  Glacier  National  Park, 53 miles from Polson,
                                                                                  15 miles from Whitefish, 7 miles from Flathead
                                                                                  Lake. Greater Kalispell Population: 34,000.
                                                                                  Visitor Information:  Kalispell  Convention and
                                                                                  Visitor  Bureau,  15  Depot  Park,  on  Highway
                                                                                  93 in downtown Kalispell;  Phone: (406) 758-
                                                                                  2800 or (888) 888-2308;  Website:  www.
                                                                        ;  Email:  visitkalispell@
                                                                                  Kalispell  is located  in the  beautiful  Flathead
                                                                                Valley, an area noted for its spectacular scenery
                                                                                and  magnificent  views  of  the  Rocky  Mountains.
                                                              Clark Fork River, Paradise  Recreation opportunities abound in this picturesque
                                                                      photo by:  valley surrounded by thousands of acres of National
                                                                  Jerry Huddleston
                                                                                Forest and wilderness with hundreds of miles of
                                                                                hiking  trails, extensive fishing  access  and abundant
      St. Regis                            lake is different every day.         wildlife.  Seven miles  south of Kalispell  on US 93,
                                                                                Flathead Lake provides excellent fishing, swimming,
        Located in the northwestern corner of the State,       The six state parks located around the lake provide   sailing, camping, cruises, charter guide services,
        exit 33 off I-90.  Montana Information Center,   public  access, with camping  facilities available   rentals  and resorts. Nearby Glacier  National  Park,
        PO  Box  200,  St.  Regis,  MT  59866;  Phone:   at  five.  West  Shore,  Big  Arm,  Wild  Horse  Island,   Hungry Horse Dam, Whitefish Mountain Resort and
        (406) 649-2290; E-mail:  mtinfo@bigsky.  Finley Point, Yellow Bay and Wayfarers State Parks   Whitefish  Lake  make  Kalispell  the  first  choice  for
        net; Website:   are  among  Montana’s  most  visited.  RV  parks  and   outdoor enthusiasts.
                                           motels  are  located  nearby  in Kalispell and on the   Tourism  plays  an  important  part  in  the  area’s
      Missoula                             lake in Somers, Lakeside, Polson and Bigfork. Visit   economy as does the art business, which is a
                                  for information on these state parks.
        Location: Near the junctions of US Highways                             flourishing multi-million dollar enterprise. The valley
        93, I-90, 200 and 12; 116 miles to Helena, 150                          boasts over 2,000 artists and craftsmen in residence.
        miles to Glacier National Park, 120 miles to   Lakeside                 The Hockaday Museum of Art and its 3-day major
        Butte, 279 miles to  West  Yellowstone, 360   Location: Hwy 93; 14  miles south of Kalispell   fundraiser “Arts in the Park” contribute to the success
        miles to Billings. Population: 67,000.  Visitor   on the west shore of Flathead Lake. Population:   of this industry.  The Hockaday, located in the old
        Information: Missoula Convention and Visitors   2,669.  Visitor Information: Lakeside-Somers   Carnegie Library at the corner of Second Avenue East
        Bureau, 101 E Main; Phone: (800) 526-3465;   Chamber of Commerce, located in the West Shore   and Third Street in downtown Kalispell, has several
        Website:        Community Library at 100 Bierney Creek Road   exhibition galleries that include permanent as well as
                                             in Lakeside; Phone: (406) 844-3715;  Website:   traveling exhibits.
                                                                                  Conrad Mansion is perhaps the most authentic
      St. Ignatius                      example  of the luxurious turn-of-the-century
        Location:   On Highway 93; 42 miles north                               architecture and living style in the Pacific Northwest.
        of  Missoula,  near  National  Bison  Range.                            From its  completion in  1895 until  it  was given  to
        Population: 780.                   Bigfork                              the City of Kalispell in 1975, the ownership of this
                                             Location:  Hwy 35; 17 miles southeast of   beautiful Norman style mansion had remained in the
      Polson                                 Kalispell, 37 miles from Glacier National Park.   Conrad Family. During the life of the mansion, there
        Location: Hwy 35 and 93; 55 miles south of   Population:  4270.  Visitor Information: Bigfork   have been no architectural changes in the building and
                                                                                both the interior and exterior have been completely
                                             Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 237,
        Kalispell; 68 miles north of Missoula. Population:   Bigfork, MT  59911; Phone:  (406) 837-5888.  restored to their original beauty. Located on Woodland
        4,000.   Area Population: 15,000.  Visitor                              Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets East, the mansion
        Information Center: Hwy 93, downtown Polson;   One of Montana’s most charming villages,   is open Tuesday through Sunday from May 15th to
        Chamber of Commerce: Polson Chamber, 418   Bigfork was once a logging community located   October 15th with guided tours at a reasonable rate.
        Main Street, Polson, MT 59860; Phone: (406)   where  the  Swan  River  meets  Flathead  Lake,  well   Call to reserve a time for a tour & tea for parties of six
                                           known now for its art galleries, summer theater,   or more, (406) 755-2166.
                                                                                  Another attraction  in Kalispell is the Northwest
      Flathead Lake                        fine  dining  and  numerous  outdoor  recreation   Montana  History Museum. It  is housed in  an
          The largest natural  freshwater  lake  west of the   Referred to as “One of the 100 Best Small Towns   1894  four-story  stone  building  that  opened  as  an
      Mississippi, Flathead  Lake  dominates  the  entire   of the Nation,” Bigfork is home to many unique and   elementary  school in the late  1800s and served as
      beautiful  valley, carved from the backbone  of the   distinctive galleries and specialty gift shops. There   home to Flathead Valley Community College in the
      continent by receding glaciers 10,000 years ago.  At   are over 20 eateries with menus ranging up to some   1980s. In the late 1990s the city completely restored
      28 miles  long,  15 miles  wide  and almost  400 feet   of the finest gourmet offerings in the region.    the structure and leased it to the Northwest Montana
      deep,  it  is  renowned  for  sailing  and  fishing.    Two   Back dropped by the Swan Range and close to   Historical  Society  to  operate  as  a  museum,  with
      scenic  highways  wind  along  the  lake;  Hwy 93 on   Jewel  Basin,  Bigfork  offers  Montana’s  #1  ranked   educational  programs, school tours and exhibits
      the west side and Hwy 35 on the east offer majestic   golf course at Eagle Bend, hiking, fishing, horseback   relating to the history of Northwest Montana. A gift
      views of the lake, mountains and rolling hill scenery   riding, sailing, water skiing and swimming on   shop offers many unique items and a wide range of
      that make Montana famous. The upper end of the lake   Flathead Lake, white-water rafting, kayaking,   books on local and regional history. Visit the museum
      lies about 30 miles from Glacier National Park and   canoeing, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.   10 to 5 weekdays at 124 Second Ave. East in Kalispell
      Whitefish Mountain ski resort to the north.  After Thanksgiving, the village transforms itself   or for more information phone (406) 756-8381.
            Fed  by  the  Flathead  and  Swan  Rivers,  Flathead   into a nostalgic gingerbread Christmas card scene   There  are two main  city  parks in  Kalispell.
      Lake covers nearly 200 square miles with 180 miles   trimmed with thousands of holiday lights and green   Woodland  Park,  located  off  Woodland  Avenue  on
      of shoreline, offering fabulous fishing for 50-pound   boughs.            Conrad Drive, is a serene setting alongside a placid
      lake trout (mackinaw), native bull and cutthroat trout,                   lagoon with swans and geese, beds of flowers, a rose
      perch and whitefish.  From whitewater races and the   SPECIAL EVENTS      garden and picnic areas. There is a skateboard park
      dragon  boat  festival  in  Bigfork,  to  fishing  charters,   Whitewater Festival: May  and  the  Aquatic  Center  Lap  Swim Pool  and  Lazy
      sail boat adventures, dinner cruises, cherry picking,   Festival of the Arts: August  River feature two water slides.  Biking and walking
      performing and visual arts, exquisite dining, fun bars   Tamarack Days: October  trails, playgrounds and ball fields are also available.
      and every manner of water sports, experiencing the   Village Christmas: December  Lawrence  Park, located  east of North Main Street,

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