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operates under the authorization of the National   entertainment thrives with Open Mic Thursdays   Nugget Liquor Store:  A Selection Beyond
      Park Service.                        and live bands every Friday and Saturday   Expectations
        Connectivity Like Never Before: The shuttle   night, creating an energetic backdrop for   Within the McCarthy Center Store, the Nugget
      service connects you to all the major attractions,   evenings in McCarthy. These events are not just   Liquor Store presents an impressive selection of
      accommodations,  and  dining  experiences  in   performances; they are communal experiences   beverages. Whether you’re looking for a bottle
      McCarthy and Kennecott.              where stories are  shared, friendships are   (or box) of wine to complement your dinner, a
        The Salmon & Bear Restaurant:  A Hidden   forged, and the essence of Alaska’s wilderness   cold beer to enjoy by the campfire, or a special
      Culinary Treasure in Alaska’s Wilderness  community comes to life.        liquor for a celebratory toast, Nugget Liquor has
        In  the  heart  of  Alaska’s  rugged  wilderness,   More Than Just a Bar: A Gathering Place for   you covered. They even have a large variety of
      the Salmon & Bear Restaurant emerges as the   All                         Cutty Bangs and other RTD beverages.
      flagship for the McCarthy Lodge Resort in the   The Golden Saloon isn’t just about the music;   Everything You Need and More
      remote setting of McCarthy. This award-winning   it’s a gathering place  where the  Adventurer   The store stocks a comprehensive range
      restaurant is perfect for couples seeking a   meets the locals and community comes   of produce, beverages, snacks, and sundries.
      celebration dinner or anyone looking to enjoy   together.  Whether it’s for a casual meal, a   Whether you need a quick snack or essential
      a quiet, exquisite meal. With its intimate dining   game, or simply to relax on the outdoor patio,   items for your stay, the McCarthy Center Stores
      room, primarily reserved for McCarthy Lodge   the saloon provides a  welcoming space for   are your one-stop-shop.
      guests, the restaurant provides an  exclusive   everyone. In every interaction, every laugh, and   Tailored  for  the  Trail:  Backcountry
      ambiance. Once hotel guests have been   every song, the saloon celebrates the vibrancy   Wilderness Foods
      accommodated, the restaurant also welcomes   of Alaska’s remote wilderness.  For the adventurers and hikers, the store
      park  visitors, giving everyone a chance to   Family-Friendly by Day, Lively Entertainment   offers a specially curated section dedicated to
      indulge in their exceptional culinary offerings.  by Night                backcountry  wilderness foods and hiking trail
        Celebrating the Best of Alaska: Copper River   During the day and into the early evening,   mixes.  These carefully selected items ensure
      Red Salmon                           The Golden Saloon is a family-friendly venue,   you are well-equipped for your journeys into the
        Central to its menu is the celebrated  wild-  welcoming guests of all ages to enjoy its unique   wild, providing energy and sustenance for your
      caught Copper River Red Salmon, a jewel in   ambiance and hospitality. As the night unfolds,   exploration of Wrangell St-Elias National Park.
      Alaska’s culinary crown. Renowned for its deep   the atmosphere at The Golden Saloon becomes   A Hub of Convenience in Remote Alaska
      flavor  and  delicate  texture,  the  Copper  River   livelier, providing a perfect setting for adults   The McCarthy Center Store represents more
      Red Salmon is a rare treat few visitors to Alaska   to enjoy the spirited nightlife that McCarthy is   than just convenience; it embodies the spirit of
      get to experience.                   known for.                           Alaska’s wilderness. It’s a place where both the
        A Wine Selection That Speaks Volumes  A Reflection of McCarthy’s Colorful History   local community and visitors converge, finding
         Since 2020, the Salmon & Bear has been   The Golden Saloon is not just an entertainment   everything they need for their daily lives and
      the proud  recipient  of  the  Wine  Spectator’s   venue;  it’s  a  reflection  of  McCarthy’s  colorful   adventures in the park.
      Award of Excellence. This accolade is a nod to   history. Its walls, adorned with relics from the   Mountain  Arts Gallery and Gifts:  A
      the restaurant’s meticulously curated wine list,   past, tell stories of the miners, adventurers, and   Celebration of Local Artistry
      perfectly tailored to complement the authentic   dreamers who have passed through its doors.    Nestled in the rugged beauty of McCarthy,
      local ingredients.                     Flightseeing  for  Two  with  Wrangell  the Mountain Arts Gallery and Gifts stands as
        Embracing Local Flavors: From Wilderness   Mountain Air                 a testament to the rich artistic heritage of the
      to Table                               It can be difficult for guests to grasp the scale   region. This unique gallery, an integral part of
        The culinary philosophy at the Salmon & Bear   and grandeur of Wrangell-St.Elias until they fly   the McCarthy Lodge Resort, is not just a gift
      deeply roots itself in the “Wilderness  Alaska   above it in a small aircraft. Soaring mountain   store; it’s a vibrant showcase of local talent and
      to  Table” concept. Emphasizing foraging and   peaks, massive glaciers, and mighty glacial-fed   creativity,  deeply  rooted  in  the  community  of
      fermenting local ingredients, the restaurant   rivers seem to go on forever. We believe that   McCarthy and Wrangell St-Elias National  Park
      not only brings the freshest tastes of Alaska to   Wrangell-St. Elias offers the best scenery in all   (WRST).
      the table but also showcases sustainable and   of Alaska, and with over 3,000 glaciers in the   A Commitment to Local Artists
      traditional culinary practices.      park, it’s easy to see why!            Since 2001, the McCarthy Lodge has been
        A Pleasant Surprise in the  Alaskan   This  flightseeing  tour  presents  some  of   a steadfast supporter of the local art scene,
      Wilderness                           the unique features found in the  Wrangell   applying funds and other resources and efforts
        For  visitors to  Wrangell St-Elias National   Mountains. Your pilot will explain the geology   to nurturing the creativity of artists in McCarthy
      Park and guests of McCarthy Lodge Resort,   of  a  rock  glacier,  the  Mile  High  Cliffs  and  the   and WRST. This commitment has helped foster
      the Salmon & Bear Restaurant is a destination   iceberg-filled lake found at the toe of the Nizina   a thriving community of artists  whose  works
      specific, Alaskan  Dining  experience  inside  the   Glacier. Next comes Chimney Mountain, the   not only adorn the gallery but also enrich the
      Historic McCarthy Lodge Building.    massive Rohn Glacier, soaring Mt. Regal, and   downtown McCarthy area.
        The  Golden  Saloon:  A  Hub  of  Authentic   the 16,000’ peaks of the University Range.   Showcasing Renowned Artists
      Alaskan Entertainment                Finally, back in our home valley comes Mount   The gallery proudly exhibits the  works
        Steeped in history and brimming  with   Blackburn, the Stairway Icefall, Erie Mine   of esteemed artists such as Bill Brody, Paul
      character,  The Golden Saloon in McCarthy   clinging to the mountainside, the tiny hikers and   Hanis,  Jennifer Koesherick, and many others.
      stands as a  vibrant testament to  Alaska’s   ice-climbers on the Root Glacier, and the quaint   The  community celebrates these artists not
      spirited nightlife and cultural heritage.  This   towns of Kennecott and McCarthy.”  just for their individual talents but also for their
      historic saloon, part of the McCarthy Lodge’s   McCarthy  Center  Store:  Your  Go-To  contributions to the cultural landscape. Notable
      offerings,  encapsulates  the  essence  of  true   Convenience Hub in the Wilderness  projects include Brian Enright’s “Artifact Fence”
      Alaskan hospitality.                   In the heart of the  Alaskan  wilderness, the   and the recently completed “Salmon & Bear”
        A Legacy of Celebration in  America’s Last   McCarthy Center Store stands as a unique   life-size sculpture by Master Carver Paul Hanis,
      Frontier                             blend of a traditional convenience store and a   crafted from an old-growth Red Cedar log.
        The Golden Saloon, notable as the last saloon   gateway to the bush community’s needs. This   Bill Brody: An Artist in the Wilderness
      in a National Park, offers more than just a place   store is not just a place to shop; it’s an essential   The  McCarthy Lodge has  a special
      to enjoy a drink—it’s a cultural landmark where   part  of  the  McCarthy  experience,  catering  to   relationship  with artist Bill Brody, sponsoring
      the past and present converge. With its rustic   both locals and visitors with its diverse offerings.  his  wilderness expeditions to create large-
      charm and welcoming atmosphere, the saloon   A Taste of Alaska: From Ice Cream to Bakery   scale plein air canvases.  These impressive 8’
      is a favorite among locals and  visitors alike,   Step into a world where classic convenience   by 4’ paintings, capturing the untamed beauty
      embodying the adventurous spirit of McCarthy.  meets  Alaskan charm.  The store features a   of Alaska, have found their way into museums
        A  Stage  for  Live  Music  and  Community   delightful range of options, from hand-dipped   and private collections, showcasing the awe-
      Gatherings                           ice cream cones that offer a sweet respite from   inspiring landscapes that define the region.
        Throughout the summer, from Memorial Day   your adventures to a rich and robust espresso   A Hub for Local Crafts
      to Labor Day, The Golden Saloon transforms into   and bakery section, perfect for starting your day   Mountain  Arts is more than the only gift
      a lively music venue. Here, the tradition of live   or recharging in the afternoon.  store  in  WRST;  it  is  a  vital platform  for  local
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