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craftspeople. Here, visitors can find an array of   or a first-time visitor to Alaska’s wild landscapes,   By choosing McCarthy Lodge as your base,
      handcrafted items, each telling its own story of   our  range  of  activities  caters  to  every  level of   you gain more than just a place to stay; you gain
      the wilderness and the people who call it home.   adventure and interest.  a partner in your Alaskan journey. The Lodge’s
      From intricate sculptures to beautifully crafted   Experience the  Thrill of  Wilderness and   knowledge of the area, combined with its range
      paintings, the store offers a unique opportunity   Glacier Hikes          of services, provides  you  with everything  you
      to take a piece of McCarthy’s artistic soul back    Embark on wilderness hikes that take you   need to explore the majestic Wrangell St-Elias
      home.                                through breathtaking sceneries, where each trail   National Park confidently and comfortably.
        Supporting the Arts in McCarthy    offers its own unique charm and challenges. For   McCarthy Lodge: A Steward of History and
        Visiting Mountain Arts Gallery and Gifts is not   those seeking a closer encounter with Alaska’s   Community
      just a shopping experience; it’s a journey into   icy giants, our glacier hikes and explorations are   For over two and a half decades, the Lodge
      the heart of McCarthy’s artistic community. It’s   not to be missed. These guided hikes allow you   has been at the forefront of preserving,
      a place  where art  and nature intertwine  and   to navigate and appreciate the awe-inspiring   restoring, and enhancing the community and its
      where supporting local talent is a cherished   beauty of these ancient glaciers safely.  rich history.
      principle.                             White Water and Pack Rafting: Adrenaline-  Preserving the Essence of McCarthy
        Accommodations at McCarthy Lodge: Stay   Fueled Adventures                The McCarthy Lodge has been a diligent
      with the Locals in a National Park     For adrenaline seekers, our white water and   custodian  of  the  town’s  heritage.  Their  efforts
        McCarthy Lodge Resort offers three distinct   pack rafting experiences promise an exhilarating   in restoration and stabilization go beyond
      accommodation options, each  with its own   journey through the heart of Alaska’s untamed   mere  business  operations;  they  reflect  a
      unique charm and history, providing guests with   rivers. Feel the rush of navigating through   deep-seated commitment to maintaining the
      an authentic Alaskan experience in the heart of   roaring rapids, surrounded by some of the most   historical  integrity  and  cultural  significance  of
      Wrangell St-Elias National Park.     stunning natural landscapes on earth.  McCarthy. This dedication guarantees that the
        Ma Johnson’s Historical Hotel: A Step Back   Exceptional Flightseeing: Alaska from Above   town’s unique charm and character is not only
      in Time                                Take to the skies  with our exceptional   preserved but also celebrated and shared with
        Our flagship accommodation, Ma Johnson’s   flightseeing  tours,  offering  a  bird’s-eye  view   visitors from around the world.
      Historical Hotel, is a destination celebrated by   of the  vast expanses of mountains, glaciers,   Fostering Community and Stability
      National Geographic as “Authentic, Sustainable,   and wilderness. These flights provide a unique   The stability of McCarthy has always been a
      Memorable.” Recognized in 2009 as one   perspective on the park’s grandeur, making for   priority for McCarthy Lodge. McCarthy Lodge
      of the “109 Hotels  We Love  To Stay  At,” this   an unforgettable experience.  always prioritizes the stability of McCarthy,
      1923 boarding house, operated by Pete and   Backcountry  Drop-offs:  Your  Gateway  to   designing its initiatives and operations  with
      Ma  Johnson,  offers  an  immersive  historical   Remote Exploration      the community’s  well-being in mind and
      experience.  While the hotel features original   For those who wish to delve deeper into the   contributing significantly to the town’s economic
      artifacts, including brass bedframes, it ensures   wilderness,  our  backcountry  drop-offs  are  the   and  social  fabric.  By  engaging  in  responsible
      modern comfort with new linens and bathrobes.   perfect starting point. Venture into remote areas   business practices and community-oriented
      With two bedrooms per shared bathroom,   of the park, where the beauty of Alaska’s wild   projects, McCarthy Lodge has become a pillar
      most rooms also include sinks  with hot and   landscapes unfolds in its most pristine form.  of stability in this remote Alaskan wilderness.
      cold water. The hotel is reminiscent of staying   McCarthy Lodge Resort: Your Support Hub   A Legacy of Care and Commitment
      at a friend’s home,  with its small, charmingly   for Wilderness Adventures  The legacy of McCarthy Lodge is not merely
      authentic rooms.  The Ma  Johnson’s Historical   As the authors of this guide and enthusiasts   in the services it provides but in the respectful
      Hotel is renowned for its authenticity and   of the Alaskan wilderness, we recognize the vital   manner it honors the past and nurtures the
      consistently earns top marks for its unique and   role McCarthy Lodge Resort plays in supporting   future of McCarthy. Guests of the Lodge are not
      genuine experience.                  your adventure in  Wrangell St-Elias National   just visitors; they become part of a larger story
        The Kate Kennedy House: Elegance of the   Park. While not an adventure guide company,   – one of preservation, community, and a deep
      1920s                                the Lodge is instrumental in enhancing  your   respect for the Alaskan wilderness.
        The Kate Kennedy House, a fully restored   experience  with its comprehensive range of   Experience McCarthy with McCarthy Lodge
      madam’s home from  the  1920s,  is a  “Sears   services and local expertise.  Resort
      Catalogue  Home”  filled  with  period  furniture.   Leverage  Local  Expertise  for  Unbiased   Choosing McCarthy Lodge Resort means
      This house offers a glimpse into the past with   Adventure Recommendations   more than just experiencing the best of
      a working Victrola, vintage 78 vinyl records, and   McCarthy Lodge Resort,  with its deep-  Wrangell St-Elias National Park. It means
      a stunning stereo slide collection.  This two-  rooted  connections  in  the  McCarthy  area,  is   being part of a legacy of care, commitment,
      bedroom house features a screened back porch,   an invaluable resource for guests seeking   and stewardship towards one of Alaska’s most
      wood stove, and a modern bathroom, blending   impartial advice on selecting adventure   treasured communities. We invite you to be a
      historical  charm  with  contemporary  comfort.   vendors.  The Lodge’s understanding of local   part of this extraordinary story.
      The Kate Kennedy House is an exquisite choice   operators  ensures  you  receive  personalized
      for those seeking a more private and luxurious   recommendations that align with your interests
      stay.                                and comfort level.  Whether  you’re looking
        Lancaster’s Backpacker Hotel: Budget-  to book directly or seeking guidance on the
      Friendly and Private                 best  adventure  fit,  the  Lodge’s  insights  are
        For  budget-conscious  travelers,  the  indispensable.
      Lancaster’s Backpacker Hotel provides a perfect   A Spectrum of Adventures Awaits
      solution.  This hostel-style accommodation   The  wilderness surrounding McCarthy &
      offers 10 private rooms, ensuring a comfortable   Kennecott is a playground for various thrilling
      stay  without the addition of strangers. It’s an   activities. Guests can indulge in  wilderness
      ideal choice for solo travelers or groups looking   hikes, glacier exploration,  white  water and
      for  simple,  private,  and  affordable  lodging  in   pack  rafting,  exceptional  flightseeing,  and
      McCarthy.                            backcountry adventures.
        Embark on Unforgettable Adventures with   Comprehensive Support Services
      McCarthy Lodge Resort                  McCarthy Lodge Resort goes beyond just
        Staff  at  McCarthy  Lodge  Resort,  akin  to   accommodation. It’s a hub for comprehensive
      Jedi knights, leading you through the majestic   support services, including delectable food and
      landscapes of Wrangell St-Elias National Park.   beverage options, comfortable lodging,  well-
        Venture into the Heart of the Wilderness   stocked  stores,  and  efficient  shuttle  services.
        The  wilderness that surrounds McCarthy   These amenities  ensure  that  after a  day of
      Lodge  Resort  is  vast  and  untamed,  offering   adventure, you return to a place of comfort and
      endless  opportunities  for  exploration  and   care.
      adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer   Stay, Plan, and Explore with Confidence
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