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Connected by an 1800-foot causeway, this facility is
      helping the city regain its position, lost to earthquake
      and tsunami, as the natural gateway to the Interior
      and Far North.
        Short trips and overnight tours to the Columbia
      Glacier are available from Valdez. This impressive
      fast-moving  river  of  ice  covers  440  square  miles
      and is three miles wide at its face and 30 stories
      high. Constantly calving, the glacier sends towering
      chunks of ice into the waters of Prince  William
      Sound.  Seals  and  whales  cavort  between  the  floes
      and birds soar everywhere.  This is truly a wonder
      that shouldn’t be missed. Explore the fjords and
      passageways of Prince William Sound from Valdez
      with Stan Stephens Glacier and  Wildlife Cruises.    See Video
      The dedicated crew invite you to join them as they
      travel the calm waters of the Sound to Columbia and
      Meares Glacier.
        The  Valdez Museum and Historical  Archive,
      located in the Centennial Building at the corner of
      Egan Drive and Chenega Street, features exhibits
      of  pioneer  days,  old  mining  equipment,  freight   Valdez
      sleds, fire fighting apparatus, a glacier exhibit and a   photo by:
                                             VC TRAVEL GUIDE
      pipeline terminal exhibit. Summer hours are Monday
      to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 8 AM to 5
      PM. A small admission is charged.      Silver Salmon Derby: August        years of age. One day, three day and season licenses
        With its roots in the generous donation by Mrs.   Gold Rush Days: August  are available.
      Maxine  Whitney of reportedly the largest private   Ice Climbing Festival: February  Most charters  in  Valdez range  from 6-12  hours
      collection of Native  Alaskan art and artifacts in   Snowman Festival: March  depending  on  where  you  are  fishing,  what  species
      the world, the Maxine and Jesse Whitney Museum   Mountain Man Snowmachine Hillclimb: April
      provides a unique look at Alaska life, cultures and
      wildlife. Enjoy premier displays of Eskimo kayaks   Hooked on Fishing Valdez
      and  umiaks,  Native  carved  ivory  and  trophy-class   Fishing!  Just  the word can make an  Alaskan
      mounts of  Alaska’s big game animals, including   resident or visitor go into a frenzy. The popularity
      grizzly bear, polar bear, moose, caribou and musk   of  fishing  in America’s  largest  state  can  hardly  be
      ox. Other favorites include Native dolls, beautiful   exaggerated. The first item you will need is a state
      Athabaskan, Eskimo and Tlingit bead-work, Native   fishing license, which is required for anyone over 16
      Alaskan baskets, prehistoric artifacts, fossils,
      minerals and Woolly Mammoth tusks.
        Arriving in  Alaska in 1947, for more than 50
      years the Whitneys lived in and traveled to remote
      villages of  Alaska like Gambell and Savoonga,
      buying directly from Native artists. Mrs.  Whitney
      assumed  ownership  of  the  Eskimo  Museum  in
      Fairbanks in 1969 and operated it through the mid-
      1980s. In 1998, Maxine gifted her vast collection to
      Prince William Sound Community College. Now in
      a dedicated facility located adjacent to the college,
      it is a cherished cultural and educational asset to
      the  community,  offering  a  unique  view  of  Alaska
      through the eyes of a passionate collector.   The
      Maxine and Jesse Whitney Museum is located at 303
      Lowe Street. Open every day May to Sept and most
      weekdays during the winter. Free admission. Call
      (907) 834-1690.
        The Valdez Convention and Civic Center boasts
      a variety of events such as movies, conventions and
      cultural performances.
        Surrounded by the unmatched scenic beauty of
      alpine and marine landscapes, visitors can choose
      from comfortable accommodations or something
      more rustic and remote. There is lodging available
      in over 500 rooms year–round, ranging from hotels
      and  bed  &  breakfasts  to  wilderness  cabins  and
      campgrounds.  Whatever your selection, you will
      be treated to true Alaskan hospitality. Hotel, motel
      and bed & breakfast reservations are advised during
      July  and  August. Five  full-service RV  parks and
      three campgrounds are  available  in  town. Services
      in Valdez include several restaurants, grocery stores,
      service stations, drugstores and gift shops.

        Halibut Derbies: May thru Labor Day
        Pink Salmon Derby: June–July

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