Page 22 - Travel Guide
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         Yellowstone National Park has something to   listening to the rhythmic munching when wolves   photos and story by Deby Dixon
      offer all of its millions of visitors 365 days a year   begin to howl in all directions.  I long to capture this
      but for those of us who are hardcore in rain, snow   moment in my memory forever, so I sit back and   become accustomed to the noise from humans
      and strong winds at temperatures ranging from   drink in the twinkling of the stars, the crunching of   gathering to see him and he stays longer, looking
      -40 to +40, Blacktail Lakes is the place to be from   bones and flesh and the song of the wild, knowing   up to check on us frequently. I can see the bear’s
      mid-March until mid-April, where we hope to see   that this is an experience that few humans ever   eyes  moving  from  human  to  human.    Finally
      our first grizzly. Blacktail Lakes are a death trap   enjoy. As  darkness begins to give way to  the   an obnoxious crowd arrives in a large vehicle,
      for bison that fall through the ice. They look like   morning light, 769 moves away from the carcass   slamming doors with excited people scrambling
      shallow swampy ponds, yet are fairly deep and   for his morning stretching and yoga routine.  He is   and running to see the bear, and it is too much.
      teeming with fish. The sides are undercut in many   too fat to chase away wolf 1273, a male founding   This morning, 769 fools us and instead of going
      areas where the bison fall in, so they are unable   member  of  the  Rescue  Creek  pack, when  he   north onto the flanks of Mt. Everts, he heads west
      to heave themselves to safety. After struggling   moves in for a few bites before the arrival of too   and crosses the road to the south. He did not
      for 8 or more hours, the large ungulate simply   many humans.  A car stops in the road above the   return that evening but was back the following
      slips below the surface, taking its last breath in a   carcass and 1273 looks at it and moves away, going   day to finish his feast, which lasted 14 days.  When
      gruesome death.                      to stand right next to the grizzly before heading   769 left, a grey male yearling from the Rescue
                                           east and returning to his pack.      Creek wolf pack came in to eat for a long time,
         In November, a mature bison fell into the pond                         making this year’s bison carcass in the lake a
      after the bears had gone to bed. Try as they might,   The light comes on slowly and 769 returns to   total hit for wildlife enthusiasts, photographers
      wolves and coyotes could not feed without risking   the carcass for a few more bites. It seems he has   and film makers.
      death or injury from falling into the freezing water.
      So the bison remained in the freezer, awaiting
      the arrival of Grizzly Bear 769 in the spring. In
      mid-March, winter showed no signs of letting up
      and Blacktail Lakes were still frozen solid.  We
      saw tracks at the spot where the bison drowned
      and predators scratched the ice, but the freezer
      remained locked.
         Finally on April 8, nearly a month later than
      in previous years, bear tracks led to the carcass
      and we knew that our grizzly with the red tags
      was inspecting the lakes for his first meal.  The
      next morning, 769 was at the carcass, butt in air
      and scratching at the ice to make a hole to reach
      in and grab slimy bison meat. He was quite the
      massive sight with drooping belly, round rear end
      and goofy facial expressions punctuated by the
      collar antenna that stood between his ears. This
      bear did not look like he had missed a single meal.
         We were lucky he returned, as last fall several
      grizzly bears roamed the streets at night looking
      for food in the small town of Gardiner, Montana.
      Bear 769 found the grease traps at restaurants
      and the dining quite profitable in town. Some of
      the restaurants took months to clean up their
      food garbage, and residents eventually secured
      their bear attractants. Bear 769, who formerly only
      wore red ear tags, earned himself a collar for his
      escapades but luckily has so far escaped the
      death penalty.  Local advocacy groups and bear
      managers are working towards keeping him safe
      this coming fall.
         Once the word was leaked that a bear had
      finally arrived at Blacktail Lakes, local visitors
      begin arriving, followed by the hardcore parkies
      from greater distances. People were excited and
      the area near the carcass 200 feet from the pullout
      became filled with loud voices and slamming car
      doors.  The bear watched the crowd closely to                                                   SEE MORE
      make certain everyone was behaving themselves,
      but could only grab a few bites before retreating
      away from the road and crowds.
         For 10 days, 769 had been at the carcass every
      day except one.  It took him awhile to completely
      extract the bison from the lake, so very few other
      predators came in to eat. But on this dark morning,
      I can hear 769 crunching bone and breaking ice.
      A black wolf is a short distance away, waiting its
      turn to eat.  At the back of the lakes, the sandhill
      cranes are calling. I sit quietly in the dark, window
      down with a very cold breeze wafting over me,
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