Page 23 - Travel Guide
P. 23
Nearly everyone who comes to visit programs such as bears testing bear proof
Yellowstone has dreams of seeing a grizzly containers are scheduled.
bear or wolf in the wild. For those who would Right across from the bears, the wolves are
like to get more than a quick glimpse, the often close by for viewing. The interpretive
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West center plays a movie while wolves are viewed
Yellowstone is the perfect place to visit. through the large windows as they capture
GWDC has several grizzlies that are fish in the stream or curl up on a rock to sleep.
rotated out of their hidden areas for feeding There are three different packs, the newest
and public viewing. Information on each one consisting of three pups born a year
bear is available so you can get to know ago. Visitors can follow their new “family” at
them by name, while watching the bears the center’s website
overturn rocks and logs in search of hidden particularly in the face of Coronavirus closure Yellowstone Wolves
treats. Employees can answer questions and to the public. photos by:
Deby Dixon