Page 24 - Travel Guide
P. 24

For The Love Of Bears is a nonprofit committed   will reduce the probability of bears frequenting   Cleaned  Up  For  the  Love  of  Bears  aims
      to bears and the critical ecosystems they call   neighborhoods.           to  protect  bears  like  399  and  her  cubs  from
      home. Through conservation, education, research                           becoming habituated to humans and residential
      and advocacy they seek to safeguard the future   By encouraging those living in bear country to   areas. Through the program, you can learn about
      of bears.                            properly secure potential food sources like trash   attractant mitigation and certify your home and
                                           cans, pet food and livestock feed, For the Love   property as bear-friendly. For the Love of Bears
         The nonprofit organization was birthed in 2020   of Bears aims to decrease instances of human/  encourages anyone living near wild bears to get
      by a group of photographers and friends who are   bear conflict and protect bears from becoming   certified and go beyond existing local ordinances
      deeply passionate about bears and concerned   habituated to humans - a situation that all too   to ensure homes, properties and communities are
      with  the  wide  range  of  constant  struggles   frequently leads to euthanasia. Once a bear learns   cleaned up properly - for the love of bears.
      bears face, from land development to climate   there is food to be found near humans, they can
      change. Inspired to make a difference and to   become bolder in their searches.   What can you do to help bears today? Visit
      give something back to the creatures they love,                  to learn more and to make
      they founded For the Love of Bears. The friends,   World famous bear 399 and her quadruplet   a generous contribution that will help bears stay
      and  now  board  members,  bring  their varying   cubs caused quite a stir in Jackson, Wyoming   wild and free. Together, we can safeguard the
      backgrounds  including  marketing,  nonprofit   last fall for such behavior. 399 and her brood   future of bears.
      leadership, academia and biology together to   were found frequenting yards, targeting beehives,
      take on important issues such as cleaning up   livestock feed and other unsecured attractants.
      attractants and educating the public on how to   Now three years old, the four cubs are expected
      safely coexist with bears.           to go out on their own this spring. It is imperative
                                           the community takes action to prevent continued
         For the Love of Bears has been hard at work   frequenting from these youngsters as they are
      supporting local projects, research and initiatives   learning  to  survive  on  their  own.  Continued
      across the United States, and now they have their   human/bear conflict may lead to relocation or
      first nationwide campaign. This year they launched   euthanasia - outcomes that could have been
      an initiative to protect wild bears living near the   avoided if 399 and cubs had never learned to find
      places  people  also  call  home. The  initiative,   food in the community.
      “Cleaned Up For the Love of Bears,” is designed
      to educate the public and encourage individual
      commitments in making simple changes that

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