Page 281 - Travel Guide
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unpaved road cross Kodiak Island.  A   While the office at 100 E Marine Way may   Area is a popular destination for fishing,
      drive in any direction provides quick   remain closed this season due to Covid,   strolling the beach and birding. During
      transport  into  remote  wildlands,  where   their  site  will  give  you  everything  you   salmon runs, this is one place where you
      introduced Sitka black-tailed deer are   need to “Discover Kodiak.”       might encounter bears.  Anton Larsen
      plentiful.  The region boasts several sites                               Road passes green hillsides topped
      recognized by the National  Audubon     Harbor seals, Steller sea lions, sea   with  rocky  cliffs  inhabited  by  some  of
      Society  as  important  bird  areas.    While   otters, porpoises and various whales are   the 400 mountain goats that have been
      the  population  of  brown  bears  on  the   all common along the coast, including the   introduced to Kodiak.
      Kodiak  Archipelago  is estimated at   highly endangered northern right whale.
      approximately 3500, all but about 500   One  dependable  viewing  area  to  see   Whether  this  is  your  first  or  fiftieth
      bears are located within the boundaries   large resident population of Steller sea   visit,  no  matter  which  way  you  travel
      of the National Wildlife Refuge. Although   lions is on Near Island at the St. Herman   from  Anchorage, north to Denali or
      it’s  possible  to  happen  upon  a  Kodiak   Boat Harbor (Dog Bay), a short drive from   south  to  the  Emerald  Isle,  you  will  be
      brown while on a hike or visiting a salmon   town. After crossing the bridge, follow the   greeted by breathtaking scenery and
      stream  around  the  town  of  Kodiak,   right fork in the road down to the harbor   untamed  wilderness.  Each  itinerary
      that’s  far  from  the  most  dependable  or   parking  lot. A  float  anchored  inside  the   put  together  by  Travel  Guide  Fly/Drive
      safest  way  to  spot  one.  Viewing  bears   breakwater is a haulout area for the sea   Alaska incorporates distinctive sites and
      in specially designated areas is better   lions.   Also on Near Island, the Kodiak   adventures  unique  to  the  area.  Make
      and safer for humans and bears alike,   Fisheries Research Center’s 3,500-gallon   memories  for  a  lifetime  that  will  keep
      and  you’ll  likely  see  more  bears  in  a   aquarium  showcases  local  species,   you  wanting  to  go  back  up  to  explore
      single  location  than you would  on your   including crabs, fish and giant sea stars.   Alaska.  As their state motto says, “North
      own.  The Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center in   Introduced plains Bison roam freely   to the future” and we say “Come back to
      downtown Kodiak at Mission and Center   on the road near Fossil Beach. Close   Alaska”!
      Streets  sells  an  Audubon  hiking  and   to  town,  Buskin  River  State  Recreation
      birding  map  with  information  on  many
      wildlife viewing stops.  Be sure to check
      the  website  for  information
      on  what’s  happening  on  the  island.

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