Page 278 - Travel Guide
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lookout platforms at Brooks Falls that   Hotel reservations should be made   the vast Kenai National Wildlife Refuge,
      allow for a safe and close up experience.   in  advance  as  rooms  fill  quickly.  We   Shilak Lake Road loops for 18 miles
      Across Cook Inlet from Homer, Lake   recommend Beluga Lake Lodge, and if   through the Peninsula’s pre¬mier wildlife
      Clark  National  Park  and  Preserve  offers   you are traveling by RV, try Heritage RV   view¬ing area and offers access to trails
      up stunning beauty,  volcanoes, salmon   Park, located right at a fabulous fishing   and serene paddling on the lake before
      runs  and  great  brown  bear  viewing.   hole on the Homer Spit.         popping back onto the highway east of
      Sasquatch Alaska Adventure,  Chinitna                                     the town of STERLING.  Centrally located
      Bay Bear Tours, Adventure Airways Bear        More to See and Do          in  an  unsurpassed  water  trail  system,
      Viewing  and  Scenic  Bear  Viewing  have     Along Itinerary #4          Sterling offers Kenai River access at three
      trips for every size and budget.  For the   Anchorage, South Kenai Peninsula,   State  Recreation  Parks  and  businesses
      fisherman,  Bob’s  Trophy  Charters  offers    Soldotna, Homer            specializing in canoe rentals and trips.
      ½ day, ¾ day, full day and overnight
      fishing trips for halibut as well as salmon,   The  realm  of  the  southern  Kenai   In addition to millennia of Athabascan
      lingcod and rockfish. Take advantage of   Peninsula has a beauty and history all its   native  habitation,  the  west  side  of
      their  experience  as you  fill your  freezer   own.  Beginning just west from Cooper’s   the  Peninsula  is  known  for  its  historic
      from the halibut capitol of the world.  Landing  on  Highway  1  and  lying  within   establishment  of  thriving  cannery

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