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opportunities throughout the year. After   exotic meats including reindeer, venison,   Thirty miles from Moose Pass, the city
      you  kayak  these  gentle  waters  amid   buffalo  and  many  other  wild  game   of  Seward  has  mountains  on  one  side
      profuse sea life, raft the river through   animals. There are plenty of samples on   and  the  ocean  on  the  other.    Talented
      Keystone Canyon, or experience glacier   hand  and  they  ship  all  over  the  world,   artists call Seward home and a pleasant
      and  wildlife  viewing  in  Prince  William   so  you can serve reindeer at  your next   afternoon should include a walking tour
      Sound, Valdez is a travelers dream with   gathering!  A  little  further  down  on   of  the  town’s  30  murals  which  depict
      excellent campgrounds, hotels and    Highway 1 is the community of Girdwood.   landscapes, local events and historical
      numerous  restaurants. Two  outstanding   At  the  intersection  is  a  Tesoro  station   characters.  Alaska Sealife Center is a
      boat tours, Stan Stephens Glacier and   with  coffee  and  snacks.  Next  door  is  a   must  see.  It  is  the  state’s  only  public
      Wildlife  Cruises  and  Lulu  Belle  Glacier   local bakery to stock up on some savory   aquarium  and  has  a  wildlife  response
      and  Wildlife  Cruise  visit  the  huge   sweets as you continue your road trip to   program that authorizes them to respond
      tidewater Columbia Glacier, and are the   Seward.                         to animals that have been abandoned,
      highlight of any Alaska vacation.                                         stranded  or  injured.  In  Seward  you  can
                                              Take  Highway  #9  to  Seward.  Along   book a charter fishing excursion with the
             Drive Alaska Itinerary #3     the  way  you  will  travel  to  the  town  of   Fish House, or take advantage of wildlife
                 General Review            Moose  Pass,  a  “whistle  stop”  along  the   cruises on Prince William Sound.
         Anchorage, Turnagain Arm, North   Alaskan railroad and a point on the
             Kenai Peninsula, Seward       historic  Iditarod  Trail  mail  route.    This   Driving   from   Seward   back   to
                                           picturesque  town  got  its  name  in  1903   Anchorage takes 2.5 hours on Highways
         Leaving  Anchorage, drive south on   when a moose got in the way of a mail   9 and 1, or the train ride runs around six
      Seward Highway #1 to travel to Turnagain   carrier’s dog team. Nestled in the middle   hours.
      Arm. There are plenty of pullouts to stop   of the Chugach National Forest, there are
      and  take  pictures  of  the  magnificent   wonderful hiking trails and the area hosts
      scenery.  A  must  stop  along  the  way  is   a world-renowned bush pilot school with
      Indian Valley Meats in the town of Indian   people coming from all over to practice
      just south of Anchorage. This is a family-  flying in extreme weather.
      owned  custom  processor  of  fish  and

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