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of  rugged  coastline  with  some  of  the   Ferry Alaska offers ferry service from   HATCHER PASS is the scenic location of
      most  abundant  marine  wildlife  in  the   Valdez to Whittier for you and your car or   Independence Mine Historical State Park,
      area.  It  is  home  to  numerous  whales   RV. Some ferries offer breakfast on board   a fascinating relic from bygone gold days
      including  humpback  and  killer  whales,   and there is nothing like drinking a hot   with tours and alpine hiking trails.
      as  well  as  sea  lions,  harbor  seals  and   cup  of  coffee  while  you  gaze  out  over
      sea  otters.    Eagles  abound  in  Valdez   picturesque  vistas.  From  Whittier  take   About half an hour south of Glennallen
      before the salmon runs arrive and can   the  Anton  Anderson  Memorial  Tunnel   at Mile 82.6 on Richardson Highway #4,
      be  seen  flying  overhead.  Take  a  cruise   back to Anchorage, a total distance of 58   the paved Edgerton Highway #10 skirts
      through Prince William Sound with Stan   miles north on Seward Highway #1.  The   the  world-famous  Copper  River  for  33
      Stephens  Glacier  and  Wildlife  Cruises   tunnel is 2.5 miles long and was designed   miles through Kenny Lake to the small
      or  Lulu  Belle  Glacier  Wildlife  Cruise.   to  handle  the  area’s  40  degree  below   town  of  CHITINA,  where  services,  food,
      Both  offer  expanded  tour  opportunities   zero  weather  and  150  miles  per  hour   accommodations  and  the  Wrangell-St
      with  experienced  local  guides.  The   winds.  Traffic  in  the  tunnel  is  one-way   Elias National Park ranger station can be
      Lulu  Belle  also  offers  a  Sunday   and shared by both cars and trains. From   found. From there, the greatly improved
      morning non-denominational service   Whittier, cars leave on the hour from 5:30   but still primitive McCarthy Road to the
      from  June  through  August,  to  worship   a.m. to 10:30 p.m. when the tunnel closes   preserved  historical  mining  town  of
      while  you  cruise  the  Sound.    Several   for the evening.             MCCARTHY requires slow and attentive
      accommodations  we  recommend  in                                         driving and will take 2 to 3 hours to travel
      Valdez  include  Eagle’s  Rest  RV  Park  &   More to See and Do          its  61-mile  length.  The  roadway  lies
      Cabins,  Glacier  Hotel,  Downtown  B&B       Along Itinerary #2          atop  the  old  CR&NW  Railroad  route  to
      Inn, and Valdez KOA.                    Anchorage, Palmer, Glennallen,    the  Kennecott  Mines,  which  produced
                                                     Valdez, Whittier           over half a million tons of refined copper
                                                                                before  shutting  down  operations  in
                                              While  our  second  driving  itinerary   1938.  Considered  one  of  Alaska’s  most
                                           winds through jaw-dropping scenery en   scenic backcountry drives, McCarthy
                                           route to the unforgettable destination   Road  passes  through  prime  fishing  and
                                           of  Valdez, there are highlights along   wildlife  habitat.  Much  of  McCarthy  has
                                           the  way  that  will  especially  appeal  to   been lovingly restored to its former
                                           mining  history  buffs.  About  20  miles   glory  and  offers  lodge,  hotel  and  other
                                           north out of Palmer on Fishhook-Willow   accommodations,  as  well  as  award-
                                           Road  off  Glenn  Highway  1,  beautiful   winning  culinary  dining  and  a  rockin’

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