Page 274 - Travel Guide
P. 274

Alaska Tundra

                                                                  Homer, Alaska

               More to See and Do          popular recreational areas in Alaska, the   route between Prince William Sound and
               Along Itinerary #3          Trail  of  Blue  Ice  is  a  family-appropriate   Turnagain Arm.
         Anchorage, Turnagain Arm, North   biking and hiking route that starts at the
             Kenai Peninsula, Seward       Moose  Flats  Day  Use  Area  at  Mile  1.0   Williwaw Creek is a quiet campground
                                           of  the  Portage  Valley  Highway,  where   with  trails  and  fish viewing  platform  for
         If you have more time to invest along   a  short  boardwalk  trail  passes  busy   late summer salmon runs.  A little further
      the way to Seward, be sure to explore the   waterfowl  ponds.    Connecting  most  of   on at the near end of Portage Lake, visitors
      wonders  on  the  5-mile-long  PORTAGE   the developed stops along the road   can grab a bite to eat at the café and tour
      VALLEY  HIGHWAY,  which  begins  at   before  reaching  Portage  Lake  by  the   the Visitor Center.  Nearby, an easy hike
      the  furthest  inland  point  of  Turnagain   Begich Boggs  Visitor Center, Blue Ice   leads to Byron Glacier, home to luminous
      Arm  just  past  the  bridges  over  Portage   winds through the forest past impressive   caves and ice worms.  The MV Ptarmigan
      Creek 48 miles south of  Anchorage.    hanging glaciers.                  cruises to within 300 feet of the towering
      Enjoy  a  woodland  picnic  and  wildlife                                 ice  wall  of  Portage  Glacier,  which  can
      viewing,  easy  biking  or  hiking,  fishing   Paddling  enthusiasts  can  put  in  at   also be viewed on a narrated motorcoach
      and  paddling.  The  Forest  Service’s   calm lakes accessed from roadside   tour.  Beyond the point where Bear Valley
      Begich Boggs  Visitor Center is packed   pullouts. A system of ponds and channels   carves into the north shore of the lake,
      with state of the art interactive displays   at  the  entrance  to  rainbow-stocked   the  tolled  and  scheduled  2.5-mile-long
      about the natural history of the  valley   Alder Pond begins about 1.5 miles up the   Anton  Anderson  Memorial  Tunnel  then
      and Prince William Sound, and provides   road.    Portage  Creek  is  considered  the   leads  to  the  town  of Whittier  on  Prince
      the opportunity to take a close up look   least  intimidating whitewater  trip  in  the   William Sound.
      at  PORTAGE  GLACIER  via  a  one-hour   Anchorage area for rafting and canoeing.
      narrated tour boat excursion on the lake.   A portion of  the north  shore  of Portage   Once  back  on  Seward  Highway  1,  at
                                           Lake is also open to paddling, and   Milepost 37 where the Sterling Highway
         Travelling  through  one  of  the  most   parallels the old Native and Gold Rush   continues on to the west side of the Kenai

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