Page 269 - Travel Guide
P. 269

via  a  40-minute  flight  northwest  out  of   the  town  of  Glennallen  will  take  you   provides visual displays and can answer
      Anchorage.                           2.5  hours.  Glennallen  is  known  for  its   all your questions.  There are two roads
                                           beautiful  scenery  and  outstanding  into the park, Nabesna Road northeast
             Drive Alaska Itinerary #2     fishing, and as the gateway to Wrangell-  of Glennallen and McCarthy Road to the
                 General Review            St. Elias National Park. This is the largest   southeast.
         Anchorage, Palmer, Glennallen,    park  in  the  United  States  with  total
                Valdez, Whittier           acreage  of  Yellowstone  National  Park,   Valdez  is  just  over  two  hours  from
                                           Yosemite National Park and the country   Wrangell-St.  Elias  National  Park  on  the
         Beginning in  Anchorage  travel 40   of  Switzerland  combined.  That’s  over   Richardson Highway #4. Located at the
      miles northeast on the Glenn Highway #1   13 million acres to explore. Containing   end of the highway, the city is also the end
      to Palmer.  There we highly recommend   some of the largest volcanoes in North   of  the  line  for  the  famous Trans-Alaska
      the Noisy Goose Cafe, located at mile 40   America  and  with  habitats  ranging   pipeline and its port sees several ships
      across from the fairgrounds, a family-  from temperate rainforest to barren   each week loading oil here for transport.
      run restaurant that serves breakfast all   tundra, there is much to see and do in   Prince  William  Sound  has  3,800  miles
      day, every day. Agriculture thrives in this   this  national  park.    Ten  miles  south  of
      lush, fertile valley and the area provides   Glennallen,  the  park’s  Visitor  Center
      produce for much of Alaska. Farms and
      ranches abound and there are many
      hiking and historic areas to explore.

         Back  on  Glenn  Highway,  driving  to

                                 Alaska Brown Bears   Scott Graber, Publisher
                                        Hallo Bay     Hallo Bay

                            Denali National Park                        Denali National Park
                                   Tour Buses                            Information Center

                            Drive       Alaska                                                                    267
   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274