Page 272 - Travel Guide
P. 272

Back  on  Richardson  Highway  #4   area  averages  a  whopping  58  feet  of   KEYSTONE CANYON along the beautiful
      to  Valdez,  an  hour’s  drive  allows  you   snow  each  year,  with  a  record  81  feet   Lowe  River  as  it  shifts  color  from
      to  discover  WORTHINGTON  GLACIER   falling  in  the  early  ‘50s.  Many  extreme   glacial  silt.  The  terrain  changes  from
      STATE  RECREATION  SITE  at  Mile  28.7.   skiing  movie  scenes  are  filmed  here   mountainous coniferous forest to taller,
      One  of  the  most  visited  spots  in  the   and these mountains are  very popular   greener Alaskan  rainforest. At  Milepost
      Copper  River  Basin,  visitors  can  easily   for  heli-skiing  and  snowboarding.  Even   13.9,  330-foot  high  HORSETAIL  FALLS
      hike in flower-filled alpine meadows and   in summer, weather can be challenging   provides  hiking  access  to  the  ancient
      enjoy sheltered picnic sites. The glacier   crossing  the  pass, with  heavy  mist,  rain   Native American Goat Trail. A mile closer
      nearly  flows  onto  the  road,  making  it   and wind obscuring the way.   to  Valdez,  BRIDAL  VEIL  FALLS  plunges
      extremely accessible.                                                     for  400  feet.  The  canyon  is  popular  for
                                              Shortly after crossing the pass, you’ll   rafting and kayaking, while mountain and
         Two  miles  further  toward  Valdez,   drive  through  the  narrow,  spectacular   ice climbers enjoy honing their skills on
      pull-offs and hiking trails mark the crest                                its steep-sided rock walls.
      of  THOMPSON  PASS,  where  the  Alaska
      Pipeline  from  Prudhoe  Bay  begins  its                                    Valdez  offers  incredible  recreational
      downward  path  to  journey’s  end.  This

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