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Tongass National Forest                If travel plans can be arranged to  visit
                                           Wrangell during the last full week in July, you
        Leave  the  hurried  pace  of  Wrangell  and   will definitely want to check out Bearfest, which
      enter the peaceful retreat of the  Tongass   bills itself as “an event dedicated to bears.”
      National Forest. With a group of six or more,   There are activities to please every member of
      Alaska Waters can arrange a tour of this unique   the family during this five-day celebration that
      coastal temperate rainforest. An Alaska native   was founded in 2010 as a tribute to the natural
      guide  will lead the group  where participants   environment and its bears. Bearfest hosts top
      learn about the interconnectedness between   scientists who conduct symposiums on topics
      tidal,  muskeg, alpine and deep  forest   ranging from black and brown bear research
      ecosystems to discover a variety of edible and   and management, to polar bears and climate
      medicinal  uses  of  local  flora  and  fauna  that   change. Renowned photographers entertain
      have and continue to be relied on throughout   all with their exciting bear stories and images.
      Southeast Alaska. You will leave the rainforest   Families  will love the art  workshops, bear   other specialties.  Chefs also present a cooking
      with a renewed appreciation of the beauty and   and  pooltime  games,  and  “reading  with  a   demonstration at the Saturday Community
      richness of the land and how it has given life to   ranger.” Native  Tlingit cultural experiences   Market, held at the Nolan Center. Dinner tickets
      both people and animals.             will engage the whole family. Adults can join   for this popular event are available online, or
                                           an educational rainforest nature  walk,  enjoy   beginning in early July at Alaska Vistas.
      LeConte Glacier                      the Saturday golf tournament on  Wrangell’s   The  whole town gets into the spirit of
                                           unique course, or attend  workshops on bear   Bearfest  and  visitors  will  find  great  deals
        LeConte is  the most southern  tidewater   safety or photography. Professional musicians   throughout Wrangell, including luscious food
      glacier in North America and resides in a 12-  play and jam throughout the festival,  which   and drink specials  A festival highlight is the
      mile long fjord, which is a long, narrow, deep   concludes on Sunday with a 5K, half-marathon   fresh grilled  salmon demonstration  by  Jake
      inlet  of  the  sea  between  high  cliffs.  Glaciers   and full marathon Boston qualifier run. Be sure   Harris of the Stikine Inn. Over 80 pounds of
      are frozen rivers of ice that grow and recede   to enter the raffle for 2 roundtrip Alaska Airlines   sockeye salmon are prepared on a cedar plank
      and dramatically change the surrounding   tickets and the online photo contest.  with tips on cooking and seasoning. Read more
      landscape. Legend has it that the  Tlingit   Don’t miss the limited-seating fundraiser   about salmon recipes and tips from Jake in his
      named the glacier “Huti” after a mythical bird   auction  and  fine  dinner  prepared  by  a  major   following interview. More information can be
      whose  flapping  wings  sounded  like  thunder,   award-winning chef from local seafood and   found at
      which is exactly the sound of calving,  when
      enormous chunks of ice break away from
      the glacier and plummet into  the sea.  Also,
      because LeConte extends 500-700 feet below
      the surface of the water, calving can happen
      below the  water  which results in icebergs
      rapidly ascending from the depths of the bay.
      Along with icebergs, passengers can expect to
      see  bald  eagles  soaring  overhead  and  seals
      and their pups sunning themselves as they
      float by on chunks of ice.
        Many tour companies have guided trips
      to LeConte Glacier  which allow passengers
      to get up close with this natural wonder and
      possibility even reach out and touch an iceberg
      and thousands of years of glacial history.

        Because LeConte is close to Petersburg,
      Alaska,  several  companies  have  combined
      Petersburg and LeConte tours. Petersburg
      or “Little Norway”  was founded in 1897 by a
      Norwegian pioneer.  A true seafaring  village,
      Petersburg remains true to its Nordic roots and
      several festivals are held throughout the year
      celebrating this heritage.
      Stikine River

        The  fastest  free-flowing  river  in  North
      America, the Stikine River enchants visitors with
      sweeping mountain vistas of lush rainforests,
      majestic  waterfalls, icebergs and glaciers.
      Bears,  moose, seals  and eagles  are some of
      the wildlife frequently seen on the tours which
      can be organized by Wrangell tour operators.


      Alaska Bearfest, aka Bearfest, has been a big attraction in Wrangell for the past ten
      years.  It’s a grassroots festival drawing strength by focusing on the natural beauty
      of the Wrangell area, in the heart of the Tongass National Forest.  Bears are at the
      core of this town from the carving at the entrance to the Chief Shakes Tribal House                         315
      to the phenomenal bear viewing at Anan Creek.  Wrangell celebrates its connection
      to bears with this annual festival on the last full weekend of July.  Festivities begin
      on a Wednesday with safety workshops to teach visitors and locals alike how to
      enjoy exploring and living in bear country, safely.  National and Internationally
      renowned bear experts and researches present lectures with a variety of topics – all
      about bears.  Children participate in fun and educational art workshops, bear games,
      pool games and more.  Professional musicians   provide free concerts and work with
      everyone at music workshops.  Histories, traditions and culture of local Native
      Tlingit clan is presented at the Shakes Tribal House – the Bear House. Friday
      evening brings a white tablecloth fundraiser dinner with food prepared using local
      seafood and more by world class chefs, who have also participated in Iron Chef
      America and other national competitions.  Previous chefs include James Beard
      award winner Tamara Murphy of Seattle, Dana Tough who was named one of the
      top 5 chefs in the country by Gayot and for 2020 Holly Smith and Lauren Thompson
      of Seattle’s award-winning restaurant Café Juanita.  Chefs also present a cooking
      demonstration at the Saturday Market held at the local civic center – the Nolan
      Center. Dinner is by ticket only with limited  seating. Local florists and volunteers
      decorate tables and the Stikine Inn main restaurant.  Tables are set family style
      encouraging everyone to interact and enjoy the evening with old and new friends.
      Tickets are available at Alaska Vistas beginning July 6. Saturday is the busiest day of
      BearFest with a market at the Nolan Center, workshops at the Nolan Center, a Golf
      tournament at Muskeg Meadows, children’s programs throughout town, a smoked
      salmon competition, all followed with live music at a local bar.  Sunday morning
      about 100 people turn out for the annual USTA certified BearFest Marathon, ½
      Marathon and 5K. Local organizations and volunteers set up aid stations, register
      participants, provide snacks and show all the best of living in a small town with
      community.  Note that this race is a Boston Marathon Qualifier.

       Celebrating the Bears of Alaska . PO Box 934 . Wrangell, AK 99929
       Tel 907-874-2998
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