Page 322 - Travel Guide
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Bears & Glaciers

       seattle   wrangell                             in one day

               This is the only place in Alaska where you can leave Seattle,
        Washington and arrive mid-morning in Wrangell, board your jet boat

                           tour, and see Bears & Glaciers all in one day!

        Jet Boat Wrangell Style: The Only Way   skillfully handcrafted by owner/operator   for  salmon,  halibut,  rockfish  and  a  wide
      to See Bears and Glaciers            James  Benedict  who  will  also  give  fishing   variety of freshwater species, then relax and
        In Wrangell, jet boats are a way of life.    technique instruction. A comfortable ride on   unwind in one of their cozy secluded cabins
      These roomy and comfortable shallow-  a 6 or 15-passenger jet boat can also take   or  many  different  backcountry  camping
      draft boats are the preferred method of   you deep into pristine Alaska wilderness   locations.
      transportation to all the visitor hotspots. A   for sealife and land-based wildlife viewing   Alaska Charters and Adventures can be
      number of local tour providers offer trips   opportunities. The goal at Tight Line River   reached at 888-993-2750 and alaskaupclose.
      with  safe,  certified  and  knowledgeable   Tours is your exhilarating freedom with   com.
      guides.  Take your pick from Shakes Glacier   fishing  pole  or  camera  lens  on  the  Stikine   Alaska Vistas
      and Lake, LeConte Glacier, the mighty   River and the magnificent LeConte Glacier.  Alaska Vistas offers comfortable jet boat
      Stikine River, a visit to “Little Norway”   Contact Tight Line River Tours at 907-  tours to visit  the Anan bears and eagles,
      Petersburg, cultural, photography and   388-8137 or or   mighty Stikine River and Shakes Glacier,
      sightseeing  tours,  exploring  the  Tongass   check them out online at tightlinerivertours.  and the unforgettable LeConte Glacier
      rainforest, bear, whale and other wildlife   com.                         with an optional lunch stop in Petersburg.
      viewing, custom fishing trips and more.  Breakaway Adventures             Small group size and specialist guides allow
        Jet-powered  boats  use  the  same   With  tours  designed  to  fit  every  dream   for wonderful personal attention on their
      propulsion system as personal watercraft,   and  ability,  Breakaway  Adventures  whale and other marine mammal watching
      mating an inboard engine to a jet pump.   has proudly provided the very best in   tours.  Enjoy the thrill of a multi-day raft
      The pump draws  water from an intake in   personalized trips to their guests for over 30   trip on the Stikine River, or guided hiking
      the bottom of the boat and shoots a high-  years. Enjoy a hassle free tour to the Anan   in Tongass National Forest. They can create
      velocity stream from a nozzle at the back   Bear and Wildlife Observatory, see LeConte   custom  itineraries,  provide  paddling tours
      to propel it forward. These sleek boats can   Glacier up close, or relax on a guided fishing   and equipment rentals, and offer private
      operate in only three feet of water, easily   trip with all equipment provided. Paddle,   excursions for yachts. Many tours are based
      travel over 50 mph when speed is required,   hike and bike tours are offered for different   on 3, 4 and 5 day itineraries so you can
      and accommodate up to a couple dozen   experience  levels.  Winding  through  glacial   make the most out of an extended stay in
      people with spacious seating, enclosed   valleys and delta flats, the Stikine River Tour   Wrangell.
      cabin, and viewing deck for an enjoyable   will put the “Wow” in your Alaska vacation.    Contact Alaska Vistas at 907-874-3006,
      easy on-easy off experience.         Collect  a piece of iceberg to  cool down or visit online at
        There are many advantages to jet boat   your drink or your body after dipping in the  You can also find them on
      travel.  Shallow draft jet boats allow visitors   Forest Service hot springs.  Facebook, Instagram and Trip Advisor.
      to maneuver through calved icebergs easily   Visit  for
      and reach out to touch the millennia-old   expert  suggestions  to  fulfill  your  specific
      ice. When the tide is out, the Stikine River   Alaska dream or call 888-385-2488.
      can be too shallow for conventional boats   Alaska Charters & Adventures
      to  navigate.    Access  to  the  ever-popular   Get up  close and  personal  with true
      Anan  Bear  and  Wildlife  Observatory  is  by   Alaskan wilderness on single or multi-day
      floatplane  or  an  hour-long  boat  ride  only.   jet boat excursions with Alaska Charters &
      So to fully enjoy all Wrangell has to offer, be   Adventures. Established in 1989, the locally
      sure to book a favorite tour by jet boat!  owned company specializes in personalized,
        Tight Line River Tours             small group tours. Observe everything from
        Trust Tight Line River Tours to provide   gigantic icebergs tumbling into the sea to
      thrilling waterways adventures in the   bears catching wild salmon at Anan. Hike
      Wrangell area by guided jet boat.  Enjoy   through untouched forest or  be amazed
      incredible freshwater fishing for salmon and   watching whales feed in the calm, bountiful   see video
      trout  with  flies  or  lightweight  tackle,  most   waters. Enjoy the perfect fishing expedition

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