Page 325 - Travel Guide
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spawning streams in Alaska, and one of the largest
concentration of black and brown bears occurs here.
A half-mile trail leads to a platform and photo blind
overlooking the cascading falls where the salmon
swim up river, carefully watched by the hungry bears.
Jet Boat Tours
In Wrangell, there is something for every visitor
interested in touring by comfortable jet boat. From
the spirited, experienced explorer to the half-day
sightseer, Wrangell jet boat companies provide
tours for all. These well-established companies offer
unforgettable tours to the Stikine River, the largest
in Southeast Alaska and the fastest free-flowing,
navigable river in North America. With great views
of mountains, waterfalls, Shakes Lake and Glacier, Iceberg near LeConte Glacier
visitors can also see harbor seals, bears and moose. photo by:
Anan Bear Observatory is another favorite tour VC TRAVEL GUIDE
that operates late June through early September.
Permits are required July 5th to August 25th with
only 60 daily permits issued during that time, so you Since the early 1900s the children of Wrangell Fransisco and turned into costume jewelry that was
need to plan early for this one. One of the largest have collected and sold garnets to visitors entering sold world-wide.
concentration of black and brown bears occurs here, the city. Many people may not know that those deep Today the area is held in trust by the local First
where observers are 50 feet away on a platform ruby-red garnets come from Garnet Ledge at the Presbyterian Church for the children of Wrangell.
and photo blind overlooking cascading falls where mouth of the Stakine River and seven miles from the Continuing in the tradition of mining for garnets,
salmon swim up river only to be caught in the jaws city of Wrangell. The ledge was formed thousands local children and their families hand mine the
of a hungry bear. of years ago and is made up of garnet-biotite schist, crystals and sell them to tourists at the ferry terminal,
LeConte Glacier is the southernmost saltwater and under intense heat and pressure produced garnet the cruise ship dock and local stores. The ledge is
terminating glacier in North America, where golf crystals. Many people have laid claims against located in U.S. Forest Service land and use of power
ball to Titanic class icebergs await. If you are this site dating back to 1881, though most claims tools is not permitted for mining. The Forest Service
interested in some self-guided adventures, rentals are produced very little due to the fact that mining the does have an A-frame cabin that sleeps seven near
available for Lund skiffs, canoes and kayaks, great garnets was very difficult and the quality of garnets, Garnet Ledge that makes for a perfect basecamp
for use around Wrangell or if you plan on renting while interesting for collectors, wasn’t fine jewelry for people exploring the Stikine River and Delta.
USFS cabins. Contact any of our listed companies worthy. In 1907 a group of women formed the The Reservations for the cabin can be made at the
for suggestions in helping make a tour decision that Alaska Garnet Mining and Manufacturing Company website. Besides sparkly garnets,
is right for your family and budget. and became the first all women mining cooperative. one can expect to see black and brown bears,
For 15 years they mined several tons of garnets moose, sea lions and in April, the second largest
Smaller Cruises through Alaska from the area that were shipped to Seattle and San concentration of bald eagles in Alaska.
A small ship Alaska cruise allows you an even
closer look at the beautiful scenery and exotic Gifts from the Sea: Oyster Farming in Alaska’s Icy Waters
wildlife than larger cruises. There are many tour
companies and cruise lines with ships that carry from
a dozen up to 500 passengers on Alaska cruises. The
advantages of having fewer fellow passengers on
board really become apparent when going ashore in
small towns like Juneau, Ketchikan and Skagway,
where two or three thousand visitors from one of the
large cruise ships really makes an impact.
The smaller ships can also visit places that
the larger ones can only dream about, like Misty
Fjords National Monument near Ketchikan, Tracy
Arm Fjord or Dawes Glacier. If you are looking
for a more exotic itinerary, a small ship Alaska
cruise might be the best choice. While the smaller When one thinks of the glacier-fed waters year, the first tumbler revealed 80% of the
ships may be more expensive, often fill up fast, and of Alaska, oysters might not immediately oysters grew over one inch in two months.
generally offer smaller cabins and less entertainment come to mind. However, that doesn’t stop Bigger oysters means more bags to reduce
on board, the trade off is a much closer and relaxed Canoe Lagoon Oysters located in Wrangell, crowding. Five times, the oysters had to be
look at Alaska’s beauty. Small ships also include from producing some of the most sought placed into different bags because they were
many organized activities in the fare, so the total after oysters in the lower 48 states. Oysters growing at such a rapid pace.
cost may not be any more than for a large ship if you don’t spawn in Alaska as the water is too After harvesting, they transport them
plan to take many wildlife or glacier viewing shore cold, so owner Brian Herman purchases the back to the facility at Wrangell, where they
excursions. young oysters, called spat at this stage, from sort, weigh, and ship them to restaurants in
Small cruise ship companies to investigate for Hawaii. However, once submerged in the Arizona and Alaska. They sell the oysters that
more intimate cruises include American Cruise pristine, nutrient-dense waters off Blashke are too large to be shooters at their store
Lines, Fantasy Cruises, The Boat Company, Island, the oysters thrive. “Because it’s too in Wrangell. “Everyone has a different way
Uncruise Adventures, Windstar Cruises, Maple Leaf cold for the oysters to reproduce, they to eat oysters, but most people in Wrangell
Adventures, Alaskan Song Yacht Charters, Sound spend all their energy growing. Even during like to grill them. They have a delightful, firm
Sailing and All Aboard Yacht Charters. For localized the winter, they continue to grow but at a texture that is especially good topped with
tours, particularly throughout Southeast Alaska, slower pace,” says Herman. The float bags garlic butter.” Total time from seed to market
there are many charter and eco-tour companies to contain happy oysters as an example. These is 16 months. Not only will you find the larger
choose from, some carrying as few as 8 passengers. bags keep the oysters in a nutrient rich delectable oysters at their retail space, but
Try Pacific Tugboat Adventures, Alaskan Dream environment and allows them to be turned also sauces and seasoning, merchandise and
Cruises, Sea Wolf Adventures, Alaska Waters, weekly in order to get a deep meaty oyster. local gifts.
Alaska Charters & Adventures and Breakaway The staff puts the oysters in a tumbler
Adventures. approximately two months after planting Visit Canoe Lagoon Oysters at:
to sort them by size and clean them. Last
Garnet Ledge