Page 328 - Travel Guide
P. 328

Waterfront Dining and                                                     A Fishy Tale-Bear Fest
          Accommodations at the                                                   Interview with Jake Harris, General Manager
                 Stikine Inn                                                    and Executive Chef at the Stikine Inn, Wrangell,
        Located  along the beautiful  water  front
      in downtown  Wrangell, the Stikine Inn has                                  Favorite food to cook?
      everything  you need for a truly memorable
      hotel  stay.  They  have  a  range  of  rooms,                              Salmon of course! Salmon is king in
      from single to full suites.  The mountainside                             southeast Alaska.
      rooms  have gorgeous  views  of Mt.  Dewey,
      and  with the oceanside rooms  you can sip                                  Is there a type of salmon that you prefer?
      your  morning  coffee  while  watching  the
      bustling harbor. There are several options for                              Kings are the granddaddy of salmon and
      food, including an espresso bar and the Stik                              can  weigh in excess of 30 pounds. Most
      Cafe, which serves grab-n-go-breakfast and                                people don’t know that there are actually two
      lunch.  The Stikine Restaurant, a full service
      dining facility, serves both lunch and dinner.                            different  types  of  kings:  white  or  ivory  kings
      They meticulously craft each meal to delight                              and pink kings. Only 25% of kings are  white
      even the most seasoned traveler’s palate.                                 so  it’s  a  fish  that  isn’t  commonly  served  in
      From hand battered fish and chips to cut per                              restaurants. The whites seem to have a higher
      order steaks, locals  view the Stikine as the                             oil content from their steady diet of herring.
      best restaurant in town. The restaurant looks                             Whites also lack the ability to metabolize
      out over the harbor and you and your dining                               naturally occurring pigments from their food,
      companion can  watch the sun set over the                                 which  is  why  the  flesh  is  white  instead  of
      water  while enjoying  your freshly prepared                              bright pink or red. However, one of my favorite
      meal.  The  Waterfront Patio serves cocktails                             salmon  is  the  sockeye. They  range  between
      and drinks made by their resident mixologist,                             5-12 pounds, are affordable and hold up well
      and is the perfect place to  wind down the                                to all types of cooking.
      day  with friends.  The Stikine Inn creates a
      sanctuary for their guests  from the rooms                                  How do the locals of  Alaska cook their
      to the food, where they think of every need                               salmon?
      and  create  an  unforgettable  stay  filled  with
      convenience, comfort and exquisite views, in                                Even in  Alaska most locals smoke or can
      Wrangell, Alaska.                                                         and I’m always trying to educate people that
                                                                                there are more ways to cook salmon besides
                                                                                just canning.
                                                                                  Do you think people are intimidated about
                                                                                cooking  fish?  I  once  read  that  most  people
                                                                                cook fish until its done and then cook it some

                                                                                  Lots  of  people  overcook  their  fish.  I  tell
                                                                                them to test the thickest part of the salmon.
                                                                                The consistency should be not like rubber and
                                                                                not like a sponge. One of the most important
                                                                                things you can do is let the salmon rest after
                                                                                cooking. Put it in a warming oven or cover it
                                                                                with foil and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. This
                                                                                will give time for the flavors to be dispersed
                                                                                throughout  the  fish.  Also  never  put  salmon
                                                                                flesh side down in the pan. It should always be
                                                                                cooked skin side down.

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