Page 331 - Travel Guide
P. 331

Caretakers of Ketchikan

        There is a story told by Bear Clan of the   history of indigenous people.  pole,  recount legends passed down from
      Tlingit nation that says 300  years ago  when   Clan House  Tours is a Haida and  Tlingit   generations, as well as show visitors the variety
      people of the tribe climbed Deer Mountain and   family-owned & operated tour company in   of edible and medicinal plants in the Tongass
      looked down at the creek, they saw an eagle   Ketchikan.  Their tours stand out because   Rainforest. By acknowledging the land and the
      with outstretched  wings sitting on a rock at   their guides, who are Alaska natives, actively   indigenous people it belongs to, they are able
      the head of the waters. They named the area   engage  in  cultural  traditions  such  as  fishing   to communicate the importance of protecting
      Keech Ka Xa haan, meaning “thundering wings   and harvesting edible and medicinal plants.   the environment in a way that will leave visitors
      of  an  eagle.”  Today,  the  area  is  now  called   Their upbringing  in the traditional lifestyle   with a renewed appreciation for mother nature
      Ketchikan. When visitors approach downtown   of Southeast  Alaska provides  visitors  with a   and for the caretakers of the extraordinary
      Ketchikan through their 274 foot tunnel, they   unique perspective on the land and way of life   ecosystem of Ketchikan.
      encounter  a  massive  carved  totem  eagle  by   that dates back hundreds of years.
      Tlingit master carver and Ketchikan native   Each tour group  with Clan House  Tours   To book a tour please visit:
      Nathan Jackson. With enormous outstretched   is small and intimate, creating a friendship
      wings, the eagle stands nobly and proudly as   between the guides and their guests.  Their   To order medicinal medicine made from
      a sentry into this port city, reminding all that   passionate and knowledgeable guides share   plants from the Tongass Rainforest, please
      Ketchikan is an area steeped in the culture and   stories and meanings behind each totem   visit:

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