Page 45 - Travel Guide
P. 45
Northwest Territories
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of the world’s greatest sport fishing destinations. The
legendary lakes of Great Slave and Great Bear hold
record-book Lake Trout, Arctic Grayling, Arctic
Char, Northern Pike and Pickerel.
Wildlife: The majestic musk ox roams the tundra
while Dall sheep race up the side of a mountain
where no visible footholds exist. Gyrfalcons, hawks,
golden eagles and tundra swans grace the skies while
the polar bears roam the arctic coast and islands.
Whether viewing the migration of thousands of
caribou on the tundra or spotting bison on the side of
the road, the wildlife remains wild and free in their
natural habitat.
Outdoor Adventures: Hike the rugged Canol
Heritage Trail in the Sahtu, kayak the East Arm of
Great Slave Lake, shootthe Rapids of the Drowned
in Fort Smith, raft the South Nahanni River, cruise
along the Mackenzie River, canoe one of the many
wild or placid rivers, sailGreat Slave Lake, fish at
one of our great northern lakes, hunt trophy animals
Located north of the 60th parallel between the Aboriginal Culture: The Northwest Territories or camp under the stars.
Yukon and Nunavut, the Northwest Territories covers is one of the few regions where aboriginal people Winter Adventures: Winter lives up to the
an area roughly twice the size of Japan. About 42,000 continue to live and share their culture as they did promise of unbroken snow and glittering ice,
people live in the NWT, with one third residing in thousands of years ago. Experience activities such clean crisp air and skies that hold icy sundogs
the capital city of Yellowknife and the remainder in as guided hikes featuring medicinal plant use, tours in the daytime and fiery Northern Lights in the
the other 31 towns, hamlets or villages. The region’s of traditional villages and visits to bush camps where evenings. Tour operators offer a variety of exciting
aboriginal people, the Dene, Métis and Inuvialuit you’ll be whisked away on a dogsled are just a few of winter activities including Dene village tours,
make up approximately half the population. the choices. Celebrate centuries of northern heritage wildlife viewing by plane, helicopter, snowmobile
Territorial Parks: Northwest Territories parks and through music, art and dance. Listen to the legends and or dog team, a tour along the Dempster Highway,
campgrounds are well-maintained sites in wilderness stories of life long ago, while letting your heart beat to winter ice road driving, ice fishing, trap line visits,
settings that offer excellent hiking trails, sandy the rhythm of drummers. cross-country skiing and evening trips out to a
beaches, thundering waterfalls and an abundance of Arts and Crafts: The Dene, Métis, and Inuvialuit remote cabin to view the Aurora away from city
wildlife and birds. of the Northwest Territories are masters at creating lights. Enjoy single or multi-day guided dog sled
Festivals and Events: A wide variety of special exquisite artwork and crafts using traditional skills adventures or customized, cross-country treks where
events are held throughout the year in almost every passed down through generations. Utilizing their you can relax and ride in the sled or learn how to
community and include spring and winter carnivals, unique skills in stone carving, tufting, beading and mush your own team. Experience the traditional way
summer art and music festivals, film festivals, bike quillwork, northern artisans create distinctive works of life by building and living in an igloo, going on a
races, championship dog sled races, sailing and of art. dog sled expedition or taking day or week long trips
snowmobile races Fishing: The Northwest Territories ranks as one out to northern communities.