Page 48 - Travel Guide
P. 48


        SIMPSON AIR has been offering air charter
      service in the Nahanni area since the 1960s
      and was awarded  Operator  of  the  Year  2006 by
      Northwest Territories Tourism. President and chief
      pilot Ted Grant was captivated by the wondrous
      scenery while stationed in Fort Simpson with the
      RCMP and purchased the company in 1981. Ted
      and  his  staff  have  played  host  to  many  tourists
      from around the world including Britain’s Prince
      Andrew. Simpson Air conveniently operates from
      the island airstrip in Fort Simpson, providing
      wheeled or  float-equipped  aircraft  for  charter
        In the September 2006 issue of Air Canada’s
      enRoute Magazine, Simpson Air was written up
      in the article  100 things to do before you’re 100:   See Video
      “See the iconic Nahanni National Park Reserve,
      Canada’s answer to the Grand Canyon, on a
      private flight with Simpson Air pilot (and former
      RCMP officer) Ted Grant as your guide.”
        Nestled in the trees along the eastern shore
      of scenic Little Doctor Lake 60 miles west of Fort
      Simpson, Nahanni Mountain Lodge is owned and
      operated by  Ted Grant. Formerly the home of   Virginia Falls your pilot will guide you along the   the Tufa Mounds, stopping at Virginia Falls and
      pioneers Gus and Mary Krause, this rustic lodge   top of the falls to a perfect photo location, or you   then flying over the Nahanni Platea and Ram River
      sleeps eight to twelve people comfortably in two   can follow the portage trail to the bottom of the   Canyons to Little Doctor Lake for a brief rest stop
      fully equipped log cabins.   There is a beautiful   falls to experience the force of this spectacular   before heading back to Fort Simpson.
      sand beach, swimming, wildlife and exceptional   natural wonder.  On the return trip you fly over the   The  centerpiece  of  Nahanni  National  Park
      scenery right out the front door.  Boat, motor, gas,   Nahanni Plateau and Ram River Canyons to make   Reserve is  the  South Nahanni  River.  Four  great
      canoes, paddles and lifejackets are provided for   a short stop at Little Doctor Lake and Nahanni   canyons  line  this  spectacular  whitewater  river.
      your use.  Come experience the remote northern   Mountain Lodge. You can relax on the sand beach   The name Nahanni comes from the indigenous
      wilderness that has captured the hearts of all   or swim in the lake,  take photographs of the   Dene language and can be translated as ‘Spirit.’
      those who visit.                     scenery, the birds or the wildlife nearby before   For information on charter services into all
        The Virginia Falls day tour is 5 to 6 hours. This   returning to Fort Simpson.  communities in the Northwest Territories, please
      charter takes a maximum of 4 passengers, or 5 if    The Glacier Lake day tour is 6 to 8 hours and   contact:
      there are small children. The comfortable Cessna   takes you further into the mountains, to Glacier   SIMPSON AIR:
      206 or de Havilland Beaver takes you through 1st,   Lake and the Cirque of the Unclimbables. A short   Phone: (867) 695-2505
      2nd and 3rd Canyon to land at the top of Virginia   stop will allow time to take in the spectacular view   Toll Free: (866) 995-2505
      Falls.  En route your pilot will share the legends   of Lotus Flower Tower and Mt. Harrison Smith, one   PO Box 260, Fort Simpson, NT Canada X0E 0N0
      associated with Deadmen Valley, Headless Range,   of the highest mountains in the Ragged Range.   Email:
      Funeral Range, Death Lake and Crash Lake. At   The tour continues over Rabbit Kettle Lake and   Website:

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