Page 53 - Travel Guide
P. 53

Words are inadequate to describe the spectacular
      scenery of British Columbia. Jagged ranges of snow
      clad  peaks,  timbered  foothills,  fertile  valleys,  great
      lakes and rivers combine to form a photographer’s
      paradise. It is an endless panorama of thick
      lodgepole pine forests, cattle country, wilderness, the
      magnificent  Pacific  coast  and  finally  Haida  Gwaii,
      the  Queen  Charlotte  Islands.  The  province’s  size
      itself is impressive. It encompasses an area of almost
      945,000  km  (365,000 mi ), making it considerably
      larger than the state of California.
        British Columbia is separated from the rest of
      Canada by the rugged Rocky Mountains. This vast
      range was cursed by early explorers as they labored
      to build roads through the rocky terrain. Their
      arduous  efforts  proved  successful  and  the  country
      was opened up to settlement.
        Today,  these  mountains  provide the  setting  for
      several of Southern Canada’s most spectacular
      mountain  parks.  Yoho  features  magnificently
      sculptured hoodoos, intriguing spiral tunnels of
      the  first  Canadian  railway  through  the  Rockies,
      spectacular  ice  fields  and  glaciers  and  cascading
      Takakkaw Falls.                        Rams in Morning Summer
        The forces that created these magnificent mountains   photo by:
      also created the holes and faults in the interior rocks   Tourism Radium
      that filled with hot mineral waters, claimed by many
      to have medicinal benefits. Fairmont and Radium are   Elkford.            Zero of the famous  Alaska Highway. Bisecting the
      two popular resorts that have been built around these   History is relived in the recreated Fort Steele   province east to west is Yellowhead Hwy 16, linking
      hot springs, and every year thousands of visitors plan   village, complete with locomotive train rides, pioneer   the  eastern  BC  community  of  Tete  Jaune  Cache
      their sightseeing adventures to include a relaxing rest   crafts and stores. In winter Kimberley’s ski resort   to  Haida  Gwaii  off  the  northern  BC  coast.  The
      in the hot pools.                    provides  some  of  the  finest  skiing  available,  while   communities of this region delight visitors with their
        Hiking  trails  are  everywhere.  Big  fish  are  biting   summertime offers thrilling alpine slide rides.  diversity of lifestyles, culture and rare glimpses into
      in countless mountain lakes and rivers. Windsurfing   Visitors can access the Northern half of BC via   an area steeped in unsurpassed beauty and historical
      and water-skiing  are enjoyed on  the  warm waters   three main highway systems. Hwy 97 North is a   context, so be certain to plan a stop in every one.
      of Lake Windermere, while hang gliding adventures   southern point of entry, linking the gateway city of   Follow in the steps of the early explorers, gold-
      commence from the high points near Golden and   Prince George to Dawson Creek, which is also Mile   seekers and settlers who ventured along this historic

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