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        Location: Hwy 95A; 400 km west of Calgary;
        32 km from Cranbrook; 65 km north of the US                   Four Season RV & Condo Resort
        border. Population: 7,000. Visitor Information:
        Tourism Kimberley Visitor Centre 270 Kimberley                                  Travel •  Vacation •  Retire
        Avenue, Kimberley, BC V1A 0A3; Phone: (778)
        481-1891; Email:;
        Website:                                                             SPECIAL
      Fort Steele
        Location: Highways 93 and 95; 16 km northeast                                          SEASONAL RATES
        of Cranbrook. Visitor Information: Phone (250)
        417-6000; Website:                                               •  Full service, landscaped RV sites
                                                                                           •  Furnished, fully equipped condos
      Fairmont Hot Springs Resort                                                          •  Numerous amenities & facilities
        Location:  Highways 93 and 95; 130 km (81                                          •  24/7 licensed security patrol
        miles) north of Cranbrook, 174 km (108 miles)
        south  of  Banff.  Visitor  Information:  Fairmont
        Hot Springs Resort; Phone: (800) 663-4979;                                         Reservations: 1-800-752-9678
        Email:;  Website:  www.                                            Email:                                                   
      Radium Hot Springs
        Location:  Highways 93 and 95; 135 km (84
        miles) southwest of Banff; 145 km (90 miles)
        north of Cranbrook; borders Kootenay National   Discover Holiday Park RV & Condo Resort Community
        Park. Population:  800.  Visitor  Information:
        Radium Hot Springs Visitor Information Centre,   In the heart of Okanagan Valley, just north of Kelowna, you’ll find Holiday Park RV & Con-
        7556  Main  Street  East,  Radium  Hot  Springs,   do Resort nestled on the shore of Ellison (Duck) Lake. Surrounded by golf courses, wineries,
        B.C. V0A lM0; Phone: (250) 347-9331 or (888)   lakes and ski hills, this year-round community offers an ideal seniors’ lifestyle!
        347-9331; Email:;   Founded in 1983 by Saul Sigal and Jody LaFontaine, Holiday Park celebrated its 40th
        Website:    anniversary in 2023. It has evolved from an empty field to a four-season destination for
                                             vacationers, summer home to snowbirds and year-round home to full time residents. With
        Located  on the “warm side of the Canadian
      Rockies”  along  the  beautiful  Columbia  River,  The   117 condos and 570 RV sites and units, the resort continues to be family owned and oper-
      Village of Radium Hot Springs is a mountain getaway   ated by Saul’s youngest son, Dan Sigal, as President & Team Coach and Dan’s oldest son,
      community with a diversity of accommodations. It   Sam Sigal, as General Manager. Supported by a dedicated team of 60-75 full and part-time
      offers  beautiful  alpine  scenery,  access  to  Canada’s   employees, the resort operates year-round.
      largest natural hot spring mineral pools, great dining   Our central location between Kelowna and Vernon, next to Winfield in Lake Country,
                                             ensures easy access to shopping, businesses, medical, senior centers, churches, entertain-
      Revelstoke                             ment and more, all nearby.
        Location:  Trans Canada Highway 1; 148 km   The resort features an array of amenities and facilities including 24/7 licensed security, 3
        from Golden; 415 km from Calgary; 193   rec centers, 4 pools, 3 hot tubs, sauna, laundry facilities, hair salon, 6 hole executive golf
        km  from  Kelowna;  245  km  from  Nelson;   course, an on-site café, woodworking/hobby shop, gym, craft and sewing rooms and more.
        641 km from  Vancouver. Population: 7,100.   And we’re pet friendly, with a fenced off-leash dog park and doggie treats
        Visitor Information Centre: 301 Victoria Road   when you and your pooch visit the front office!
        West;  Chamber  of Commerce:  PO Box 490,
        Revelstoke,  BC, V0E 2S0; Phone: (800) 487-  Our full-time Recreation Coordinator organizes a variety of activities for adults and chil-
        1493;  Email:;   dren, along with our many volunteers without whom many of
        Website:        these would not be possible. Seasonal events for children, social events, card clubs, ex-
                                             ercise classes, pickle ball, shuffleboard, library… the list is endless!
      Kelowna                                  We offer the perfect environment for all ages, with part and full-time residents ranging
        Location:  Junction  of  Highways  97  and  97C,   from college students to seniors and retirees. As a 19+ community, children are welcome
        near  Highway 33;  240 miles  to  Vancouver,   visitors year-round, whether for family vacations or to spend quality time with grandparents.
        360 miles to Calgary, 90 miles north of the   You’ll commonly see residents and guests on golf carts, bicycles or on foot. Along with
        US border. Population:  127,000.  Visitor   numerous walking trails throughout the resort, we are conveniently located alongside the
        Information: Tourism Kelowna Visitor Centre,
        238 Queensway, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6S7; Email:   Okanagan Rail Trail, a scenic walking/biking/hiking trail that runs from Kelowna to Vernon.;  Toll free: (800)   Visitors are welcome to drop in, drive through and see what we offer, including RV site &
        663-4345; Phone: (250) 861-1515;  Website:   condo rentals and property purchases. Turn off Highway 97 on Commonwealth Road, just               north of Kelowna International Airport, come in and discover the ‘sweetlife’ in Holiday Park
        Kelowna is the largest city in the Okanagan Valley,   Resort!
      known for its sunny, dry climate and surrounded by   Browse our website, phone 250-766-4255,
      spectacular  scenery,  vineyards  and  orchards.  Pluck   Email for further details and to book your reservation!
      juicy  peaches  from  the  tree  or spend a  delightful
      day sampling the award-winning wares of dozens of
      internationally  acclaimed  wineries.  Wine Festivals   water-skiing, waterslides, cycling, hiking, camping,
      offer hundreds of activities focused on wine making,   horseback  riding  and  fishing.  Just  minutes  from   Cache Creek
      tasting and touring.                  everywhere, this 68-mile long lake is the focal point   Location:  Junction  of  Trans-Canada  Highway
        Kelowna has miles of beautiful  parkland, much   of life in Kelowna.      1 and BC Highway 97 North. 350 km (218
      of it located  along sandy beaches. Okanagan Lake   Golf courses meander  through orchards, over   miles)  east  of  Vancouver;  84  km  (52  miles)
      and the surrounding mountains provide a scenic   desert terrain and rolling hills, and past lakes and   west of Kamloops.  Population:  1,200.  Visitor
      backdrop for a wide range of family attractions and   canyons. There are over a dozen courses located in   Information  Centre:  Cache  Creek  Chamber,
      outdoor activities including golf, downhill skiing and   the Kelowna area, providing golfers of all ages and   Box 460, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0; Phone:
      snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling,   abilities a premium golf experience.  (250) 457-9668.

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